Bank Danych o Inżynierach - doradztwo personalne, rekrutacja i selekcja najlepszej kadry technicznej.
Od ponad 25 lat aktywnie uczestniczy w tworzeniu nowoczesnego rynku pracy w Polsce. Głównym zadaniem BDI jest pomaganie firmom w pozyskiwaniu, zarządzaniu i utrzymaniu najlepszej kadry technicznej średniego i wyższego szczebla.
- responsible for proper implementation of the ITER Project construction document management system- coordinate the writing of the procurement package of the SSEPN for installation during ITER Project construction- prepare documentation for the detailed design, specifications, procurement, and...
- supervise a group of Digital Mock-up and Configuration Control Designers- interact daily with the Configuration Control Responsible Officers, the ITER component Responsible Officers, the Design Office Liaison Designers and Designers- display to staff a high level of understanding and practice of...
- member of the team responsible for the general integration of ITER into the buildings and site- development and maintenance of procedures and documentation for the design integration including the “Design Change Requests”, the “Issues” procedures- maintenance and development of the content...
- verifications of the structural strength of the building and cryostat under the envisaged operating and exceptional conditions- perform analysis to verify any proposed modification of the design of building and cryostat- perform the seismic analysis of the building and the cryostat and provide...
- responsible for preparation of technical procurement specifications for ITER Project concrete and steel building structures, layout of equipment supports, hangers, and penetrations associated with process piping systems- preparation of technical procurement specifications for site layout and...
- assist in the adaptation of ITER generic site layout to Cadarache Site-specific configurations- supervise CAD designers to prepare general arrangements drawings and building systems layouts for non-nuclear buildings and site services, suitable for construction contracts.- assist in the preparation...
- senior engineer to develop and coordinate with Parties interfaces of Test Blanket Modules with ITER tokamak, building and services- design and supervise procurement of necessary “missed links”- work especially on standardization of the TBM interfaces
- work with the heating and current drive group leader, and be in charge of the development of the NB heating and current drive systems and diagnostic NB system- contribute to the definition of the procurement arrangement- assure the consistency of the design and monitoring of the R&D necessary for...
- work with the heating and current drive responsible officer, and be in charge of the development of the IC H&CD and EC H&CD heating and current drive systems- contribute to the definition of the procurement arrangement- assure the consistency of the design and monitoring of the R&D necessary for...
- integration of signal data from the ITER plant into the central ITER experimental data system using standardized hardware, software and communications- assist in the development of the overall concept of the ITER central experimental data system- develop procurement specifications for the central...
- work for design, construction and integration of the whole tritium plant, including all subsystems such as fuel cycle systems, ventilation and clean-up systems and water detritiation system- coordinate the plant layout and all interfaces with associated ITER components and buildings, including...
- overall responsibility for the TS design and analysis including fabrication methods and assembly procedures- coordination of PT design and analysis- documentation of the TS specification document
- working with the cooling water responsible officer, and be in charge of the structural and layout design of the cooling water systemclarifying the requirements of the time critical buildings, contributing to the completion of the technical specifications, especially for the early procurement...
- design, construction and assembly of cryostat, including all processes such as material, structural design, factory manufacturing, on-site installation and assembly, inspection and transportation- coordination and management of all interfaces with other ITER components and buildings, including...
- supporting the patent team based in Hannover by building up a patent reporting system- writing patents based on the input of the inventer- searching for good technical solutions within PDP a patent could be applied for- conducting own patents trainings (after receiving an advanced training and...