Ogłoszenie numer: 5682159, z dnia 2021-10-10
GYRE Immigration
Gyre Immigration - www.gyreimmigration.ca
Truck Driver / Dump Truck Driver
Miejsce pracy: Kanada, Halifax
Opis stanowiska
If you have minimum 2 years of experience in operating of trucks (long distances)or dump trucks and you are able to communicate in English, then this will be perfect job for you.
Who we are - immigration consulting and recruitment company located in beautiful province of Nova Scotia, on Canadian East Cost. We are working with dozent transportation companies who are looking for experienced long haul truck drivers and dump truck drivers.
- Minimum two years of experience in driving truck, preferably internationally. Or two years of work experience in driving dump trucks.
- Minimum high school, English language is mandatory.
- Competitive pay.
- Health coverage.
- Pension.
- Opportunity to apply for Canadian permanent residence for you and your family.
- If you have children, opportunity for them to learn English and to attend school at no cost.
- If you have spouse, opportunity for them to get an open work permit and work any were in Nova Scotia, in any occupation
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.