Documents required for application: Personal CV, personal letter of motivation.
Established as Cemex’s Global Research Center in 2001 and located in Brügg, Berne, Switzerland, it aims to ensure CEMEX’s industry leadership and strong market position by developing innovative technological, engineering and business solutions for the continuous growth of CEMEX, as the leader in the building materials industry across the globe.
Its human capital is comprised of multidisciplinary backgrounds from research scientists to engineers, business professionals and commercialization experts representing 26 nationalities. It also has partnerships with a Network of leading research institutions and universities in Switzerland and the rest of the world.
The Global Operations and Technology department (GO&T) is a core team inside CEMEX INNOVATION HOLDING AG based in Switzerland. The GO&T team handles and / or supports all production technology related projects of the company worldwide. Its mandate is two folded: On one hand it provides high level support to all CEMEX cement operations worldwide for the design and deployment of novel collaboration practices and knowledge management tools, and on the other, it is responsible to propose and develop new materials and technologies and to provide insight and evaluation of available technologies with regards to the relevancy to the company.
NAME OF THE PROJECT: Analytical Reliability Program (ARE).
- Support the coordination and preparation of the laboratory reliability assessments according to the Analytical Reliability (ARE) program results to achieve higher reliability in our laboratories.
- Support the coordination of an execution action plan with the program representatives, to ensure integral problem solving within the cement plants.
- Perform remote Analytical Reliability (ARE) assessments to improve overall performance.
- Propose actions to be followed by the operations and its completion.
- Knowledge of spoken and written English at least B2 level;
- Student status;
- Education in the field of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering etc.
- The student can use the topic of his research internship experience to write his thesis after the conclusion of his internship and together with his thesis advisors, can also publish an article on a refereed journal.
- Monthly salary;
- Assistance with accommodation upon arrival in Switzerland;
- 2 weeks vacations per every six months.
CEMEX Polska Sp. z o.o.
Dlaczego warto wybrać CEMEX?
CEMEX to globalna firma zajmująca się produkcją materiałów budowlanych, zapewniamy produkty wysokiej jakości z innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami i technologiami w ponad 50 krajach na świecie.
Zatrudniając ponad 40 000 pracowników na całym świecie, CEMEX ma strategiczną
pozycję w obu Amerykach, na Karaibach, w Europie, Afryce ,na Bliskim W schodzie i w Azji.
Nasza sieć operacyjna produkuje, dystrybuuje i sprzedaje cement, beton prefabrykowany,
kruszywa i powiązane materiały budowlane, usługi i innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne.
Zawsze staramy się dostarczać doskonałe rozwiązania budowlane i lepsze wrażenia klientów na obsługiwanych przez nas rynkach.
W tym celu dostosowujemy nasze produkty i usługi do specyficznych potrzeb naszych klientów.
Działamy poprzez innowacyjne rozwiązania budowlane i technologiczne, działając również na rzecz promowania zrównoważonej przyszłości.
Proces rekrutacji w CEMEX
- Krok Wywiad telefoniczny
- Krok Spotkanie ze specjalistą HR
- Krok Spotkanie z potencjalnym przełożonym
- Krok Złożenie oferty zatrudniania