Experis jest wyspecjalizowaną marką dedykowaną realizacji zaawansowanych usług poszukiwania i selekcji specjalistów i kadry zarządzającej w obszarach: IT, inżynierii oraz finansów. Experis to wynik połączenia dwóch profesjonalnych marek – Elan IT oraz Manpower Professional, które od wielu lat dostarczały swoje usługi polskim przedsiębiorstwom, a kandydatom pomagały znaleźć pracę marzeń. Obecnie dla jednego z naszych Klientów poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:
For our Client, a Swedish company situated in the center of Gothenburg, we are currently looking for theCandidates for:
Chief Technical Officer, Infrastructure
The aim of the role is to provide high quality support service to its customer base, small and medium sized enterprises.
- Cooperation with the company's back-office team and consultants;
- Working on advanced IT Infrastracture problems and projects (in different business areas);
- Supporting, reviewing and developing Clients' ITsystems;
- Minimum 6 years of experience in a position of network and/or system administrator;
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft solutions like: Networking, Servers, Operational systems and Communications Infrastructure:
- Windows Server2008/2012;
- ActiveDirectory;
- Advancedpolicies;
- Scripting (Windows)
- Very good ability to diagnose problem,establish plan and solve issues
- Microsoft Certificates (eg. Systems Administrator,Systems Engineer, Technology Specialist, IT Professional, Master or another);
- Fluent English (written,verbal) and excellent documentation and communication skills;
- Experience in project management;
- 6 monts contract (B2B) with possibility of extension;
- Work in a dynamic and creative team leading the local industry;
- Working with people passionate about IT technology;
- Attractive benefits;
- Professional challenges.