Foundever™ is a global leader in the customer experience (CX) industry. With 170,000 associates across the globe, we’re the team behind the best experiences for +750 of the world’s leading and digital-first brands. Our innovative CX solutions, technology and expertise are designed to support operational needs for our clients and deliver a seamless experience to customers in the moments that matter.
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2318 dni
W naszym zespole będziesz odpowiedzialny za telefoniczne i mailowe wsparcie polsko-języcznych użytkowników laptopów oraz drukarek – pierwsza linia wsparcia technicznego.
On this position you will be responsible for telephone and e-mail, administrative support to users of Equinix - global brand IT services (support customer requests such as modifying, cancelling or updating existing orders). It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly,...
On this position you will be responsible for telephone and e-mail, administrative support to users of Equinix - global brand IT services (support customer requests such as modifying, cancelling or updating existing orders). It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly,...
On this position you will be responsible for technical telephone and mail support to English speaking customers, users of global brand RTV equipment. It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly, multicultural work environment; Working hours MON - FRI, 9.00-17.00;
Zakres zadań Bieżąca praca z zespołem specjalistów ds. obsługi klienta. Dbanie o dobrą atmosferę oraz czuwanie nad dyscypliną pracy zespołu. Opracowywanie harmonogramów pracy dla zespołu zgodnie ze zgłaszanym zapotrzebowaniem. Regularna kontrola bieżących statystyk i raportów.
On this position you will be responsible for technical telephone and mail support to English speaking customers, users of global brand RTV equipment. It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly, multicultural work environment;
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa, Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2359 dni
On this position you will be responsible for telephone and e-mail technical support of Slovenian speaking users of glucose meters – diabetes care equipment. It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly, multicultural work environment; Working hours MON - FRI, 8.00-16.00;
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa, Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2359 dni
On this position you will be responsible for telephone and e-mail, administrative support to users of Equinix - global brand IT services (support customer requests such as modifying, cancelling or updating existing orders). It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly,...
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa, Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2359 dni
On this position you will be responsible for telephone and e-mail, administrative support to users of Equinix - global brand IT services (support customer requests such as modifying, cancelling or updating existing orders). It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly,...
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa, Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2359 dni
On this position you will be responsible for technical telephone and mail administrative/logistical support to Hungarian speaking customers, support to users of global brand IT equipment. It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly, multicultural work environment;
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa, Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2359 dni
On this position you will be responsible for technical telephone and mail support to Turkish speaking customers, users of global brand RTV equipment. It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly, multicultural work environment;
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, praca zdalna
praca stacjonarna
2359 dni
W naszym zespole będziesz wspierać telefonicznie niemieckojęzycznych użytkowników urządzeń z kategorii najnowszych technologii (urządzenia mobline, sztuczna inteligencja, platforma VOD, akcesoria). Warto do nas dołączyć: Możliwość pracy zdalnej po zakończeniu trzytygodniowego...
SITEL Polska mazowieckie, Warszawa, Mokotów
praca stacjonarna
2366 dni
On this position you will be responsible for telephone and e-mail support for users of transportation network company It is worth joining us Internal promotion opportunity; Friendly, multicultural work environment; Complete training for supported products; Good work conditions, stable employment;