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Supply Chain Engineer

Zeitmann Żeńczuk Michura sp.j.
Holandia, Netherlands
praca stacjonarna
3280 dni temu

Ogłoszenie numer: 761308, z dnia 2015-07-27

Firma Zeitmann jest młodą firmą, opartą na wieloletnim doświadczeniu jej założycieli i pracowników, co jest gwarantem wysokiej jakości świadczonych usług. Naszym celem jest dobór na tyle właściwego personelu, by osiągnąć zadowolenie zarówno wśród klientów, jak i pracowników. Specjalizujemy się w rekrutacji niewykwalifikowanych, jak i wykwalifikowanych pracowników i posiadamy stałe i aktualne oferty pracy w Niemczech, Norwegii i Austrii.

Currently we are looking for our Dutch client whose core business is supporting the semiconductor industry’s ongoing quest for producing faster, smarter and more energy efficient chips motivated employees for a positon of:

Supply Chain Engineer

Miejsce pracy: Holandia, Netherlands

Nr Ref.: 211674_001


Opis stanowiska

Job description: 
- Within the D&E project the SCE is the primary responsible to ensure parts quality from our suppliers
- Using in-depth technical knowledge, analytic thinking, political antenna and excellent people skills, he/she will work closely with suppliers to build up an intimate knowledge of their IP and technological capabilities
- The SCE is part of the D&E project team and, therefore, interfaces with project leaders, design engineers, architects, manufacturing & customer support engineers, logistics, procurement
- Document the D&E project collaboration, including supplier & ASML responsibilities and roles via a Statement of Work (SoW)
- Deliverables that secure parts quality from suppliers in the ASML product generation process
- Contribute to supplier development to improve operational excellence by driving execution of existing agreements, improvement actions, and participation in supplier audits.


The candidate needs to:
- Bachelor or Masters degree in physics / optics, mechatronics, mechanical engineering or related
- Experience in high-tech industry with a focus on supplier management (preferably >5 years)
- Ability to initiate, influence and steer without formal authority
- Strong networker with good negotiating and team building skills
- Flexible, result driven and committed.
- Fluent in English


What we offer:
- The opportunity to be introduced into our wide network of organizations with the most challenging engineering and  development positions, with the flexibility of different projects
- Full benefits Dutch employment contract including pension scheme, support relocation to the Netherlands including working permit
- Personal development program and introduction into our large expat community with several social events a year
- The flight and hotel for a interview in the Netherlands
- Help with finding housing, arranging a social security number, opening a Dutch bank account
- Payment for the housing fee
- Mobile phone
- Dutch lessons for you

If You are interested, please call us at 12 661 64 00 or send application via e-mail (please send your resume with short motivation letter)

Please note that we will contact only with selected candidates.

Zeitmann Sp.j. ul. Walerego Sławka 3, 30-633 Kraków. Numer Agencji Zatrudnienia 9212. 

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