Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Overview Do you want to be part of a growing team situated in multiple locations across the world? We are looking for a Client Service Coordinator in Krakow to join our growing expanding team to manage multinational clients primarily in the EMEA region. We are looking for someone with energy and...
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klienta z językiem niemieckim
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klienta z językiem niemieckim
Hays Poland
praca stacjonarna
3586 dni temu
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klienta z językiem niemieckim
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klienta z językiem niemieckim
Nr Ref.: 1029759
HAYS Poland jest firmą doradztwa personalnego, należącą do międzynarodowej grupy HAYS plc, notowanej na giełdzie w Londynie i największej firmy rekrutacyjnej w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Grupa posiada ponad 390 biur w 27 krajach na całym świecie, w których łącznie pracuje 8 300 specjalistów. Jest liderem w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej, Azji, Ameryce Południowej, Australii, Nowej Zelandii, Chinach, Japonii, Hong Kongu i Kanadzie.
Dla naszego Klienta, międzynarodowej firmy z siedzibą w Krakowie, poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko: Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klienta z językiem niemieckim.
Do głównych obowiązków na tym stanowisku należy telefoniczna oraz emailowa obsługa Klientów zagranicznych z branży turystycznej, zarządzanie kontami użytkowników portali rezerwacyjnych, rozwiązywanie problemów związanych z organizacją podróży itp.
Od Kandydatów na tym stanowiskuoczekujemy dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego oraz biegłej znajomości języka niemieckiego, komunikatywności oraz motywacji do pracy w obsłudze Klienta.
Nasz Klient oferuje stabilne zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę na pełen etat, prywatną opiekę medyczną, kartę Multisport oraz możliwość rozwoju zawodowego poprzez uczestnictwo w szkoleniach podnoszących kwalifikacje zawodowe oraz językowe.
Osoby zainteresowane uczestnictwem w procesie rekrutacji prosimy o przesłanie CV.
W aplikacji proszę o załączenie klauzuli: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 27.08.1997r. Dz. U. z 2002 r., Nr 101, poz. 923 ze zm."
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Overview Do you want to be part of a growing team situated in multiple locations across the world? We are looking for a Client Service Coordinator in Krakow to join our growing expanding team to manage multinational clients primarily in the EMEA region. We are looking for someone with energy and...