Ogłoszenie numer: 31082, z dnia 2007-07-05
PCH Workforce
People Connect Holding
Miejsce pracy: Holandia, Amsterdam
Opis stanowiska
He is responsible to weld all products on a controlled level without direct supervision. He has to weld according the accepted welding procedures, quality and quantity in the Bosch Rexroth company.Wymagania
He has the skills and experience one of the following qualifications; •GTAW - Qualified in C-Steel from ø250 up to Max, positions 3G & 1G •GMAW - Qualified in C-Steel, Puls Mig/Mag, position 2F •SMAW - Qualified in C-Steel, experience with high deposit electrodes. 1G •SAW - Qualified in C-Steel, from ø250 up to Max. and Flux filled wires (most needed) For GTAW and SAW he must have experience with (semi) Narrow Gap, and a-symmetric welding seams. He is also responsible for cleaning and small maintenance activities of the machines and tools with he works with. He is also the duty to follow –up the instruction within the organisation and his supervisor, Health and safety are normal to be aware for it in is job for him self, colloquies and the company. -Dutch, English or German knowledgeProsimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.