Ogłoszenie numer: 22699, z dnia 2006-08-31
Bank Danych o Inżynierach Sp. J.
Leading multinational software company.
Software Design Engineer
Miejsce pracy: Polska
Nr Ref.: 2051-06
Opis stanowiska
- all aspects of product feature development, including design, development and qualityWymagania
- minimum of 3 years of relevant product development experience- top-notch C++ coding skills with a proven track record of shipping complex code- experience with building custom controls with GDI+ or other graphics libraries- artistic sense in designing graphics and images- background in statistics/mathematics and/or image processing would be a big plus- knowledge of C# and ASP.NET not required but a plus- strong verbal and written communication skills- a BS CS degree or equivalent (MS or PhD would be a plus)- energy and desire to deliver high-quality software on aggressive schedules- fluent English language skillOferujemy
- attractive salary- 0 - 20% bonus based on performance awarded once yearly- full heath cover- free Internet access from home- relocation supportProsimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.