Ogłoszenie numer: 1168355, from 2016-07-11
Nasz klient to międzynarodowa firma konsultingowo-projektowa działająca w branży budowlanej. 40-letnia tradycja, 24 lokalizacje na całym świecie i 1500 projektantów czynią z niej absolutnego lidera w swojej dziedzinie, dając jednocześnie inżynierom możliwość rozwoju zawodowego i udziału w prestiżowych projektach.
W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem i licznymi kontraktami poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko:
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Location: Wielka Brytania, Manchester
Reference No.: Senior Mechanical Engineer
Job description
- Answer for the role of Project Leader or Lead mechanical engineer.
- Manage to perform work competently on an independent basis, as well as being able to collaborate within the design team and taking the lead in the project team.
- Guarantee communication directly with external stakeholders.
- Prepare technical proposals for new work.
- Undertake project finance, monitor scope, ensure quality and manage deliverables.
- Coordinate project resourcing including recognising the need for outsourcing where appropriate.
- Prepare and take responsibility for concept and preliminary engineering solutions for detail design.
- Ensure and Prepare Technical Specifications.
- Broad experience of mechanical design engineering in the buildings sector, gained from a broad range of projects and sectors.
- Experience performing as a lead mechanical engineer on projects.
- Ideally some experience of outward facing role already and confident with clients and collaborators.
- Capability to accept a high degree of responsibility in a team-based organisation, combined with ability to work independently.
- Extensive awareness, as well as understanding of a range of engineering software - e.g. hevacomp, IES etc.
- Eager to network and build relationships.
- Strong interpersonal and organisational skills are desirable.
- Chartered membership of a professional institution preferred but not essential.
- Knowledge of digital engineering tools - Revit, Dynamo etc.
- Experience in the theatre/cultural sector.
We offer
- Salary: £ 35-40 000 per year related to experience (negotiable)
- Attractive benefits package (e.g. relocation package).
- Professional Development opportunities.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.