Ogłoszenie numer: 230319, z dnia 2012-09-04
GodakerHatlo Tannteknikk
GodakerHatlo Tannteknikk is one of the largest laboratories in Norway with 25 emplyees. The company is growing and have at strategy to continue to grow. We have one polish-speaking person already working in the porcelain department.
Porcelain Dental Technician
Miejsce pracy: Norwegia, Tønsberg
Opis stanowiska
Porcelain Dental Technician to work in our porcelain department. The porcelain department consist of 6 technicians and we do all kinds of porcelain work.
- We are looking for a dental technician with experience in working with porcelain. You must be efficient and presise. You must be able to work with all materials and work with bridges ut to 12 units.
- You must be willing to work with us for a trial period of 2 weeks
- You must have the intention of moving to Norway for a few years if you get the job.
- A full position with a salary of approx EUR 40.000 per year
- 50% extra pay when overtime.
- All social benifits determined by Norwegian government.
- Help to come to Norway.
Od 15000 do 30000 PLN
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.