Ogłoszenie numer: 761498, z dnia 2015-08-03
Firma Zeitmann jest młodą firmą, opartą na wieloletnim doświadczeniu jej założycieli i pracowników, co jest gwarantem wysokiej jakości świadczonych usług. Naszym celem jest dobór na tyle właściwego personelu, by osiągnąć zadowolenie zarówno wśród klientów, jak i pracowników. Specjalizujemy się w rekrutacji niewykwalifikowanych, jak i wykwalifikowanych pracowników i posiadamy stałe i aktualne oferty pracy w Niemczech, Norwegii i Austrii.
Piping Designer
Miejsce pracy: Niemcy, Germany
Nr Ref.: 212305_001
Opis stanowiska
Job description:
- The Piping Designer/Drafter will be responsible for preparing layout and design of complex offshore/onshore piping design systems using 2D and 3D modeling software. Projects may range from greenfield new development concepts and alternatives analysis to value enhancing brownfield modifications of existing assets.
Primary functions for the piping designer are:
- Prepare layout and design of complex offshore/onshore piping design systems using 2D and 3D CAD software
- Producing quality piping design layouts, layouts of various process skids, orientation of process equipment with nozzle locations and interconnecting piping
- Generating Piping Line List and Tie-In list when required
- Assist engineers and designers in resolving piping design issues
For a position as piping designer the following experience is required:
- Advanced knowledge of 2D and 3D software
- Proficiency in AutoCAD, AutoCAD P&ID, AutoCAD Plant 3D, Autodesk Inventor
- Detailed understanding of the applicable international standards
- Proven ability to conduct layout and design for On- and Offshore Piping Systems
- Knowledge of pipe and fittings, valves, and piping specialties
- Ability to develop isometrics from 3D drawing
- Knowledge of the following modules in P&ID and Plant 3D (Steel, Piping, ISO, Orthographic drawings, Pipe Specs, Report generation)
- Fluent in English, German would me an advantage
If You are interested, please call us at 12 661 64 00 or send application via e-mail (please send your resume with short motivation letter)
Please note that we will contact only with selected candidates.
Zeitmann Sp.j. ul. Walerego Sławka 3, 30-633 Kraków. Numer Agencji Zatrudnienia 9212.