Najnowsze oferty pracy

  • Video Content Moderator with Slovenian

    Cognizant Technology Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o.   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    1 dni
    Shift: 8/7 WORK FROM THE OFFICE* Are you a fan of vlogging or constantly looking for videos to help solve your challenges? Do you want to learn more about social media regulation, online free speech, internal controls, or maybe even learn about EU policy making? If the answer is yes, then we have an...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Slovak

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Czech

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Serbian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Norwegian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Junior Content Analyst - Fluent German

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Quattro Business Park    praca hybrydowa
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    This position provides you with the opportunity to work alongside one of our high-profile clients who specialize in internet-based searching and video sharing platforms. As a Junior Content Analyst, you will be part of a multinational team creating and improving online advertising content for our...
  • Junior Content Analyst - Fluent Spanish

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Quattro Business Park    praca hybrydowa
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    This position provides you with the opportunity to work alongside one of our high-profile clients who specialize in internet-based searching and video sharing platforms. As a Junior Content Analyst, you will be part of a multinational team creating and improving online advertising content for our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Bulgarian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Romanian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Italian 

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
Zobacz więcej ofert pracy

Moderator treści Sp. z o.o.
specjalista (mid)
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
265 dni temu

Portal to jeden z największych portali pracy w Polsce. Działamy jako agencja zatrudnienia, numer certyfikatu 29884.

Moderator treści
Miejsce pracy: Kraków
Opis stanowiska:
  • Nadzorowanie i kontrolowanie publikowanej treści
  • Interwencja w przypadku otrzymywania skarg lub zawiadomień o treściach niezgodnych z regulaminem
  • Współpraca z współpracownikami w aspekcie doskonalenia standardów i metod moderowania treści
  • Dbałość o zachowanie przyjaznego i bezpiecznego środowiska dla użytkowników serwisu
  • Informowanie działu informatycznego o wszelkich usterkach technicznych
  • Biegła znajomość języka polskiego i angielskiego
  • Zdolności komunikacyjne i redakcyjne
  • Znajomość praw autorskich oraz ochrony danych osobowych
  • Szybkość w podejmowaniu decyzji
  • Zdolność do efektywnej pracy w warunkach ciągłych zmian
  • Preferowane doświadczenie w branży social media
  • Umowę o pracę na pełen etat
  • Elastyczne godziny pracy
  • Przyjazne środowisko pracy
  • Możliwość pracy zdalnej
  • Możliwość rozwoju zawodowego i regularnych szkoleń
  • Pakiet benefitów socjalnych
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.


Portal to jeden z największych portali pracy w Polsce. Działamy jako agencja zatrudnienia, numer certyfikatu 29884.

Podobne oferty

  • Video Content Moderator with Slovenian

    Cognizant Technology Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o.   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    1 dni
    Shift: 8/7 WORK FROM THE OFFICE* Are you a fan of vlogging or constantly looking for videos to help solve your challenges? Do you want to learn more about social media regulation, online free speech, internal controls, or maybe even learn about EU policy making? If the answer is yes, then we have an...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Slovak

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Czech

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Serbian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Norwegian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Junior Content Analyst - Fluent German

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Quattro Business Park    praca hybrydowa
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    This position provides you with the opportunity to work alongside one of our high-profile clients who specialize in internet-based searching and video sharing platforms. As a Junior Content Analyst, you will be part of a multinational team creating and improving online advertising content for our...
  • Junior Content Analyst - Fluent Spanish

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Quattro Business Park    praca hybrydowa
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    This position provides you with the opportunity to work alongside one of our high-profile clients who specialize in internet-based searching and video sharing platforms. As a Junior Content Analyst, you will be part of a multinational team creating and improving online advertising content for our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Bulgarian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Romanian

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...
  • Content Reviewer - Fluent Italian 

    MAJOREL POLSKA   Kraków, Tertium Business Park    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 dni
    As a Content Reviewer you will be responsible for the day to day management of potentially sensitive internet content, ensuring a quality experience is provided to millions of internet users. As a reviewer you will have the opportunity to make a significant and direct impact on the quality of our...