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Engineers in the Automotive Industry

Engineers in the Automotive Industry

Zeitmann sp.j.
Wielka Brytania, United Kingdom
praca stacjonarna
3229 dni temu

Ogłoszenie numer: 824370, z dnia 2015-09-17

Firma Zeitmann jest młodą firmą, opartą na wieloletnim doświadczeniu jej założycieli i pracowników, co jest gwarantem wysokiej jakości świadczonych usług. Naszym celem jest dobór na tyle właściwego personelu, by osiągnąć zadowolenie zarówno wśród klientów, jak i pracowników. Specjalizujemy się w rekrutacji niewykwalifikowanych, jak i wykwalifikowanych pracowników i posiadamy stałe i aktualne oferty pracy w Niemczech, Norwegii i Austrii.

Currently we are looking for our client from UK whose core business is Automotive Industry  motivated employees for different positons of:

Engineers in the Automotive Industry

Miejsce pracy: Wielka Brytania, United Kingdom

Nr Ref.: 216429_001


Opis stanowiska

Job description: 
Positions that are at the moment the most urgent are in the area of automotive connected with:
- Engine control and calibration
- Noise, Vibration, Harshness DSP, CAE Tools
- Fuel Systems
- Cooling Systems

Primary functions are different for each position and will be presented during the first phone call conversation


For those positions the following experience is required:
- Degree in an Engineering or Science related discipline
- Sound engineering background
- Experience in the similar position
- Detailed understanding of the applicable international standards
- Able to be flexible on work location and prepared to travel within the UK and internationally on short assignments
- Be a team player willing to work with colleagues as part of a driven and dedicated team
- Fluent in English


What we offer:
-  The opportunity to be introduced into our wide network of organizations with the most challenging engineering and  development positions, with the flexibility of different projects
- Full benefits English employment contract including pension scheme, support relocation to the UK
- The flight and hotel for a interview in the UK
- Help with finding housing, arranging a social security number 

If You are interested, please call us at 12 661 64 00 or send application via e-mail (please send your resume with short motivation letter)

Please note that we will contact only with selected candidates.

Zeitmann Sp.j. ul. Walerego Sławka 3, 30-633 Kraków. Numer Agencji Zatrudnienia 9212. 

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.