Electrolux Global Shared Service Center presents
Take care of our money. We count on you.
For us going to work everyday has an even greater purpose than putting the latest product or technology on the market. It's about improving the everyday lives of millions. By
staying humble and open for new ideas – we can push the boundaries for cooking, cleaning and wellbeing at home.
But to keep doing so, we need more people who want to innovate and re-imagine what life at home can be.
Eluxperience Internship Program
With the ever-growing number of clients and suppliers around the world we offer unique opportunity to participate in Internship Program dedicated to students who want to make their first step in Finance area in the international environment.
- Team player. You enjoy working with smart people that you can learn from.
- Analytic. You know what lays behind the issues.
- Detail oriented. You believe small things matter.
- Proactive. You’re not just solving the tasks you are given, you always think ahead.
- Want to develop your professional career.
- Student status
- Availability 20 hours per week for 3 months.
- Good English, both speaking and writing.
- Additional language will be an asset.
- 3-month paid internship – from January to the end of March 2019.
- Series of Training that will boost your competences.
- Dedicated buddy who will suport you through the program.
After internship there are lot of possibilities to stay with us!
Electrolux Poland Sp. z o.o.
W Electrolux mamy wspólny cel – sprawić, aby codzienne życie było łatwiejsze i przyjemniejsze.
Electrolux to wiodąca na świecie firma produkująca sprzęt AGD, która od ponad 100 lat kształtuje życie na lepsze. Odkrywamy na nowo smak oraz poprawiamy samopoczucie milionów ludzi, zawsze starając się być liderem w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju dzięki naszym rozwiązaniom i działaniom. Pod naszymi markami, w tym Electrolux, AEG i Frigidaire, każdego roku sprzedajemy około 60 milionów artykułów gospodarstwa domowego na około 120 rynkach. W 2020 roku Electrolux osiągnął sprzedaż na poziomie 116 miliardów SEK i zatrudniał 48 000 osób na całym świecie.
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