Ogłoszenie numer: 171989, z dnia 2011-11-03
Quastar Entreprise
Job in Danish Construction Company:
Quastar Entreprise are hirering Skilled Craftmen; 2 Carpenters, 2 Tile and Brick layers, 1 Slab and Concrete workers, 1 Painters, 1 House electricians, and 1 auto mechanic, to work in Denmark in our company.
Construction worker
Miejsce pracy: Dania
- You must be able to speak English or German, and a valid driver's license is mandatory
- We offer nice cheap accommodation, with acces to new bathroom and kitchen, the salarys start at 8 EUR/Hour, workday is 6 day a week, 9 hour a day.
- Job start is 1/11 2011 and we will be signing a 12 month contract.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.