Ogłoszenie numer: 208985, z dnia 2012-05-15
Our partner is an aspiring, innovative tech startup, specialized on the evaluation and optimization of embedded multi- and manycore real-time systems.The company offers unique solutions, a novel simulation tool and comprehensive engineering services, for mastering real-time requirements – a key property in the development of efficient, reliable and high quality real-time systems.
We are looking for skilled and motivated people who want to join us to improve the current state-of-the-art and create embedded real-time systems of tomorrow.
We are looking person with expert knowledge in C++, XML technologies and JAVA on position:
Computer Engineer (m/f) / inżynier programista
Miejsce pracy: Niemcy, Regensburg
- ukończone studia inżynieryjne o kierunku: informatyka, mechatronika, elektrotechnika lub podobnym,
- dobra znajomość C++ i JAVA,
- doświadczenie z Microsoft Visual Studio,
- mobilność, samodzielna organizacja pracy,
- dobra znajomość języka angielskiego.
Od 15000 PLN