Ogłoszenie numer: 80769, z dnia 2009-10-21
Bank Danych o Inżynierach Sp. J.
Klient Banku Danych o Inżynierach poszukuje osób na stanowisko:
CNC CAD/CAM Programmer
Miejsce pracy: Polska
Nr Ref.: 4049-09
Opis stanowiska
- CNC Programmer required to join a team of programmers servicing the requirements of 22 CNC machines and lathes - Prodieco has been in business for 45 years and is globally the largest independent supplier of tooling to the Pharmaceutical Blister Pack Industry. Our state of the art manufacturing facility is designed to optimize efficiency while maintaining the highest standards of quality. The company currently employs ten polish machinists and has a staff of 70 employsWymagania
- dipolma in Mechanical Engineering or trade background - minimum number of 5 years experience in programming is essential - ability to speak English - knowledge of solid cam/master cam or experience in CNC machining an advantage - this position requires a candidate from an engineering background, toolmaking or CNC machining an advantage - the candidate needs to be flexible and highly motivated and used to working in a fast paced environmentOferujemy
- canteen - parking - assistance in locating accommodation - salary DOE- neg depending on experienceProsimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.