Senior IT Specialist (Service Desk)
Boost your career with us:
Polpharma Biologics is a state-of-the-art biological R&D and manufacturing facility, one of the most modern in Europe. We have a fantastic, international team of experienced experts and dynamic young scientists with common goals and values. Biotechnology is our passion.
Together we develop medicines, offering a new hope to patients suffering from serious diseases. We create a passionate and friendly workplace environment. Join us!
Together we develop medicines, offering a new hope to patients suffering from serious diseases. We create a passionate and friendly workplace environment. Join us!
Your responsibilities
- Receiving and logging user problem tickets, initial prioritization, root cause analysis;
- Anticipate problem patterns to resolve a topic as quickly as possible and save user time
- Solving most problems independently;
- For more complex problems, disclosing sufficient detail to enable the correct course of action to be determined and involving the appropriate specialist in resolving the problem;
- Training users on basic hardware and software functionality.
If you have
- Over 3 years of experience in support structures;
- Knowledge of Microsoft client/server environment;
- Knowledge of PC construction, peripheral devices;
- Ability to operate audio/video devices;
- Experience in operating mobile devices;
- Good written and oral communication skills - ability to describe a structure or explain a problem;
- Ability to set and maintain priorities for multiple tasks;
- Ability to work in a team - working and helping others to achieve a common goal;
- Knowledge of languages - Polish (native or fluent), English (intermediate level).
Polpharma Biologics
#PolpharmaBiologics to jeden z najnowocześniejszych ośrodków badań i rozwoju oraz produkcji leków biologicznych w Europie. Jesteśmy międzynarodowym zespołem doświadczonych ekspertów oraz ambitnych młodych naukowców posiadających wspólne cele i wartości. Biotechnologia jest naszą pasją, dzięki której wspólnie opracowujemy leki będące nadzieją dla pacjentów cierpiących na ciężkie choroby.
Razem tworzymy przyjazne miejsce pracy, w którym możemy się rozwijać oraz realizować swoje ambicje. Chcielibyśmy, abyś do nas dołączył.