Opis stanowiska: Obsługa Pacjentów odwiedzających Punkt Pobrań; Aktywna sprzedaż produktów dodatkowych zgodnie z aktualną ofertą; Informowanie Pacjentów o dostępnej ofercie i akcjach promocyjnych; Obsługa kasy fiskalnej i systemu do obsługi Pacjentów; Prowadzenie dokumentacji medycznej...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
specjalista mid / junior umowa o pracę / zlecenie pełny etat rekrutacja online aplikuj szybkoaplikuj bez CV
12 godz.
Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management; Following company policies and procedures, ensuring quality; Performing daily tasks in an efficient and timely manner; Achieving quality goals for...
Wrocławskie Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania Alba S.A. duża firma logistyczno-usługowa z branży gospodarki odpadami i recyklingu poszukuje kandydatów do pracy na stanowisku:
Młodszy specjalista ds. obsługi klienta
Miejsce pracy: Wrocław
Nr ref.: MS/03/2021
Podstawowe zadania:
obsługa klienta
wprowadzanie danych do systemu,
przyjmowanie i rozpatrywanie reklamacji,
archiwizacja dokumentów,
kontakt z kluczowymi klientami.
wykształcenie minimum średnie,
znajomość obsługi komputera - MS Office,
dobra organizacja pracy,
umiejętność pracy w zespole i samodzielnego rozwiązywania problemów,
umiejętność analitycznego myślenia,
łatwość nawiązywania kontaktów,
wysoka kultura osobista.
Dodatkowym atutem będzie:
doświadczenie i wiedza w obszarze gospodarki odpadami.
W przesłanej aplikacji prosimy o podanie swoich wymagań finansowych (kwota brutto).
Od kandydatów oczekujemy przesłania dokumentów aplikacyjnych (CV)
ze zgodą na przetwarzanie danych osobowy.
Informujemy, że skontaktujemy się tylko z wybranymi kandydatami.
Opis stanowiska: Obsługa Pacjentów odwiedzających Punkt Pobrań; Aktywna sprzedaż produktów dodatkowych zgodnie z aktualną ofertą; Informowanie Pacjentów o dostępnej ofercie i akcjach promocyjnych; Obsługa kasy fiskalnej i systemu do obsługi Pacjentów; Prowadzenie dokumentacji medycznej...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
specjalista mid / junior umowa o pracę / zlecenie pełny etat rekrutacja online aplikuj szybkoaplikuj bez CV
12 godz.
Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management; Following company policies and procedures, ensuring quality; Performing daily tasks in an efficient and timely manner; Achieving quality goals for...