Electrolux Global Shared Service Center presents
Create appealing documentation for an effortless and enjoyable consumer experience.
We understand the importance of good guidance in using home appliances, especially in times when they offer more possibilities than ever before. For this reason, we want to support our consumers with useful and easy to understand product documentation. To continue doing so, we are looking for more people who will eagerly create the link between advanced technology and everyday happiness.
Along with the development of advanced home appliances, a need increases for professionally prepared guidance on how to fully enjoy all the benefits our products have to offer to our consumers. We are now looking for a witty, smart and creative writer to take our product documentation to the next level.
A regular day at work
Our engineers communicate with a complex language and technical specification but Electrolux wants their products to be easy to understand and use. For this reason, a Technical Writer is a key person to comprehend how appliances operate at the Engineer’s level but to describe it in a simple and clear way at the Consumer’s level.
- Skilled communicator. Effective in searching for information and analyzing it.
- Precise, with great attention to detail and focused on maintaining high quality of work.
- Multitasker. Good in setting right priorities in challenging environment and working on multiple tasks simultaneously
- Team player. Able to work with shared content, in constant communication with Team members.
Education & experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in technical field (or linguistics but supported with technical skills)
- Fluency in English as a main language of communication/ content creation
- Very good knowledge of MS Office
- Advanced task management skills
- Good understanding of household appliances technology
Electrolux Poland Sp. z o.o.
W Electrolux mamy wspólny cel – sprawić, aby codzienne życie było łatwiejsze i przyjemniejsze.
Electrolux to wiodąca na świecie firma produkująca sprzęt AGD, która od ponad 100 lat kształtuje życie na lepsze. Odkrywamy na nowo smak oraz poprawiamy samopoczucie milionów ludzi, zawsze starając się być liderem w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju dzięki naszym rozwiązaniom i działaniom. Pod naszymi markami, w tym Electrolux, AEG i Frigidaire, każdego roku sprzedajemy około 60 milionów artykułów gospodarstwa domowego na około 120 rynkach. W 2020 roku Electrolux osiągnął sprzedaż na poziomie 116 miliardów SEK i zatrudniał 48 000 osób na całym świecie.
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