Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
specjalista junior / mid / senior umowa o pracę pełny etat
13 godz.
Zadania: Projektowanie, w tym optymalizacja, istniejących zasobów informatycznych Spółki oraz utrzymywanie zaawansowanej i efektywnej architektury systemów i aplikacji zgodnie z najlepszymi praktykami i standardami branżowymi; Tworzenie i utrzymanie dokumentacji technicznej na poziomie...
Jeśli nic, co elektryczne nie jest Ci obce, wiesz jak zrobić „żeby działało”, a po nocach śnią Ci się kabelki, to aplikuj już teraz! Good Lood jako najszybciej rozwijający się startup w branży gastronomicznej potrzebuje wsparcia od strony technicznej.
Mobilności (w ramach Krakowa).
Dyspozycyjności min. 3/4 etatu.
Umiejętności konfiguracji urządzeń sieciowych.
Podstawowej wiedzy na temat działania sieci komputerowych.
Umiejętności przygotowywania podstawowego okablowania LAN.
Doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku.
Wykształcenie techniczne.
Znajomość urządzeń z branży retail.
Doświadczenie w pracy z systemami alarmowymi.
Obsługa, instalacja i administracja sieci internetowej, VPN.
Obsługa oraz instalacja wszelkiego sprzętu elektronicznego w firmie.
Obsługa oraz instalacja systemów alarmowych, monitoringu oraz kontroli dostępu.
Obsługa wewnętrznych systemów informatycznych.
Wycena, zakup oraz inwentaryzacja sprzętu elektronicznego.
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
specjalista junior / mid / senior umowa o pracę pełny etat
13 godz.
Zadania: Projektowanie, w tym optymalizacja, istniejących zasobów informatycznych Spółki oraz utrzymywanie zaawansowanej i efektywnej architektury systemów i aplikacji zgodnie z najlepszymi praktykami i standardami branżowymi; Tworzenie i utrzymanie dokumentacji technicznej na poziomie...