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iOS Developer

Kraków, Cracow
praca stacjonarna
1840 dni temu

Agencja zatrudnienia nr licencji 3260

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Location: Cracow

Nr ref.: PL40652

Devire to międzynarodowa firma specjalizująca się w usługach rekrutacji, outsourcingu i employer brandingu. Od ponad 30 lat reprezentujemy wiodących pracodawców na rynku europejskim, prowadząc kompleksowe projekty poszukiwań menedżerów i wyspecjalizowanej kadry, wdrażając najnowsze rozwiązania z obszaru usług IT oraz wspierając w budowaniu wizerunku pracodawcy z wyboru.


Nasze biura zlokalizowane są w Warszawie, Wrocławiu, Poznaniu, Katowicach oraz Monachium, Frankfurcie, Pradze i Hradec Kralove.

iOS Developer

Devire Outsourcing IT is a form of a partnership dedicated to self-employed IT specialist, executing projects for our Clients - leading IT Companies bringing innovations and newest resolutions to market.

For our Client - global information technology, consulting and outsourcing company with services spanning financial services, retail, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare services, energy and utilities, technology, telecom, and media, we are currently looking for iOS Developer to join the 'Mobile-Centric' development team.

Localization: Cracow

Long-term B2B contract.

Pay Rate: >120 PLN/h

iOS Developer 

We are looking for iOS developers that can help further the success of our everyday banking apps, specifically for messaging. We are seeking individuals who see this as an opportunity to build the idealised banking experience across a vast platform. One that solves real problems for our users, adds real value and provides relevant services and insights.

We seek candidates who have:

  • Experience with Swift 2+
  • Strong experience with Xcode7, IB and Auto Layout to create advanced UIs
  • Deep knowledge of Apple’s HIG, design best practices, coding and naming guidelines
  • Good knowledge of software design patterns and software architecture principles
  • Experience in building Universal Apps that support different layouts for iPhone and iPad
  • Regularly write unit tests
  • Experience with UI automation (any tool)
  • Experience with OS X shell scripting and Xcode's / Fastlane’s command-line tools
  • Some experience with any server-side technology (e.g. ASP.NET, PHP, RoR) and REST API development
  • Experience with working in DevOps driven environment
  • Experience in management consulting and/or product management background at a consumer technology business.
  • Credibility and ability to influence stakeholders convincingly with well-considered logic.

We offer:

  • Salary based on B2B contract (via Devire)
  • Long - term employment
  • Working for a leading company with a stable market position
  • Possibility to work in an international environment
  • Benefits package



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