World famous International Automotive company ( plastic component production company) is looking for Engineer Manager R&D including design projects function. The compnay is a worldwide leader of automotive plastic components and expanding rapidly.
This is a great opportunity for capable candidate, who wants to work in international team. If you have 4~5 years experience in above field and knowledge of English at least at Business level, do not hesitate to apply for this position.
There is a option to become a Vice President position in this company in the near future!
1. Managing all aspects of implementation of new projects, cost calculations and archiving of technical documentation.
Main Responsibilities
1. To manage the Engineering dapartament and implement new projects to support uninterrupted zero defect manufacturing
2. To approve the sourcing of tools and support tool trials.
Tool Room
1. Ensure resources and equipment are appropriate for a world class maintenance and repair toolroom
2. Develop Personnel and procedures to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
3. Promote 5S and ensure that improvements are actioned and maintained.
4. Promote the use of standard root-cause analysis and continuous improvement tools
New Tool sourcing
1. Lead the selection and approval of new tool vendors
2. Maintain and develop tool standards and approval procedures
3. Support the project engineering teams with the ordering of new tools and modifications.
4. Support tool trials at toolmakers (primarily in Asia) and tool sign-off prior to shipping.
5. Lead tool reviews and approval.
Wymagania stanowiska
Zorientowanie na klienta
Opanowanie i odporność na stres
Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego
Zorientowanie na wynik
Terminowość w wykonywaniu zadań
Bardzo dobra znajomość aplikacji MS Office
Sprawna praca w zespole
Znajomość wymagań klientów (TOYOTA, SUZUKI, FORD, VW, BMW)
Umiejtność planowania
Umiejętność czytania rysunku technicznego
Zdolności organizacyjne
Umiejętność sporządzania rysunków w programie CATIA
Dokładność i dbałość o szczegóły
Wiedza z zakresu mechaniki i chemii
Skuteczne rozwiązywanie problemów
Znajomość wewnętrznych instrukcji i procedur