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Frontend Developer React

praca stacjonarna
rekrutacja online
1219 dni temu
Avenga is a global IT and digital transformation champion. We deliver strategy, customer experience, solution engineering, managed services, software products and outsourcing services like: staff augmentation, team leasing and permanent employment. Together, we are more than 2500 professionals with over 20 years of experience. We are present in Europe, Asia and the USA.
Frontend Developer React
Miejsce pracy: woj. podkarpackie
Nr ref.: OŁ/front/03

Najbliższe projekty:

1.        Aplikacja używana przez klientów banków, która będzie analizować wydatki z kart płatniczych. Na podstawie tej analizy będzie informować klientów jaki ślad węglowy generują swoimi zakupami (na zasadzie – kupujesz benzynę – źle, kupujesz bilety na tramwaj – dobrze – oczywiście bardziej złożona analityka). Będzie również zawierać funkcjonalności edukacyjne – jak zmniejszać ślad węglowy, oraz jakieś elementy gamifikacji, żeby ludzie faktycznie chcieli to robić.

2.       Product is a Cloud Native, automated quoting system that supports receiving vendor special bid quotes from multiple mailboxes (different files format CSV, XML), processing the quote based on a set of rules (including pulling data from DWH and PPMS systems), created the customer facing output and then sending the quote to the customer on behalf of account manager (integration with SSRS on client side). Platform is built with Serverless architecture on Azure Cloud. The main aim of the solution is to unify the process of preparing offers (create standardize file)  and provide a unique and configurable system handling queries from all vendors.

Must have: React, Redux, JS, CSS, HTML

Could have: Unit Tests experience TypeScript, Jest, Node.js

Nice to have: Storybook

Please include in your application the following consent: I agree to the processing of my personal data provided by me, not mentioned in art. 221 § 1 of the Labor Code, or other specific provisions applicable pursuant to art. 221 § 4 of the Polish Labour Code, in order to recruit by the Administrator - Avenga IT Professionals Sp. z o.o. with registered office in Wrocław, ul. Gwiaździsta 66, 53-413 Wrocław, for the position Frontend Developer React.

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