Contract Administration is a company specializing in payroll and human resources administration, present on the Polish market for over 25 years. Through our branches in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we help every day in HR and payroll services for several hundred clients from various industries.
Currently for one of our Clients (sector leader) we are looking for:
- Excellent know how in digital marketing and driving online sales growth
- Excellent management track record in the retail, gym chain, hospitality, airline, hotel or similar sector
- Skills to implement new technologies throughout the business
- Fluent Polish and English
- Strong communication and managing skills
- Positive attitude and willingness to learn
- Excellent know how in digital marketing and driving online sales growth
- Excellent management track record in the retail, gym chain, hospitality, airline, hotel or similar sector
- Skills to implement new technologies throughout the business
- Fluent Polish and English
- Strong communication and managing skills
- Positive attitude and willingness to learn
We offer:
- Competitive remuneration (B2B)
- Attractive benefits package
- Partnership track option
Grupa Advartis
Advartis to grupa spółek świadczących usługi profesjonalne dla biznesu. Od ponad 30 lat wspieramy naszych klientów w zakresie obsługi księgowej, kadr i płac, audytu, doradztwa podatkowego, konsultingu biznesowego oraz usług prawnych.
Nasze marki:
- Crowe
- Contract Administration
- TGC Corporate Lawyers
Pracujemy dla polskich i międzynarodowych firm, także dla największych globalnych marek. Nasz model współpracy z klientami jest oparty na relacjach, z wieloma z nich współpracujemy od ponad 20 lat.