EPAM należy do światowych liderów z zakresu inżynierii oprogramowania. Firma działa od 1993 roku i zatrudnia blisko 22 tys. pracowników w ponad 20 krajach na całym świecie. Do klientów EPAM należą globalne korporacje z takich sektorów jak finanse i bankowość, media, hi-tech, opieka zdrowotna czy turystyka. Spółka notowana jest na Nowojorskiej Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych, a jej siedziba główna znajduje się w Newtown, USA.

W Polsce firma rozpoczęła działalność w 2011 roku i obecna jest w pięciu miastach: Krakowie, Gdańsku, Wrocławiu, Katowicach i Warszawie. Tym, co wyróżnia EPAM na rynku, jest kultura organizacyjna, atmosfera pracy oraz wielka pasja do technologii. EPAM regularnie wspiera inicjatywy związane z branżą IT, organizuje również własne spotkania dedykowane środowisku developerów – TechTalks czy hackathony.

Archiwalne oferty pracy

  • Office Specialist

    EPAM Systems   Katowice    praca stacjonarna
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    1939 dni
    DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for an Office Specialist for our Katowice office to make the team even stronger. RESPONSIBILITIES Registration and control of documents and invoices flow; Supervision of execution of internal policies – security, procurement, administration; Maintaining the...
  • Junior IT Researcher

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    1999 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. Position Description Currently we are looking for...
  • Junior IT Researcher

    EPAM Systems   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    2015 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. Position Description Currently we are looking for...
  • IT Researcher

    EPAM Systems   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    2024 dni
    EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE:EPAM), is a leading global product development and platform engineering services and digital transformation company, that is focused on delivering results through best in-class software engineering, combined with innovative strategy, consulting and design capabilities. With...
  • Talent Acquisition Administrator

    EPAM Systems   Katowice    praca stacjonarna
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    2034 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for a Talent...
  • Financial Analyst - FP&A (Regular/Senior)

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2041 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for a Senior...
  • Kubrenetes Team Leader

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2049 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for a...
  • Junior People Operation Specialist

    EPAM Systems   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    2055 dni
    EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE:EPAM), is a leading global product development and platform engineering services and digital transformation company, that is focused on delivering results through best in-class software engineering, combined with innovative strategy, consulting and design capabilities. With...
  • Junior Analyst

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2077 dni
    Strive for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software that changes the world. We are more than just specialists are. We are experts. Description We are looking for hands-on candidate who will act as a...
  • HR Business Partner

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2079 dni
    In Poland currently 1500+ IT Engineers help the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer and deliver software that changes the world. We are in the heartbeat of EPAM, running a large scale of projects and technologies – which provides long-term international career path, travelling...
  • Project Administrator (Community Coordinator)

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2128 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for a Project...
  • Talent Acquisition Assistant

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2161 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for a Talent...
  • Financial Analyst (Regular / Senior)

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2164 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for a...
  • Office Specialist

    EPAM Systems   Katowice    praca stacjonarna
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    2178 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. DESCRIPTION Currently we are looking for an Office...
  • Project Administrator (Community Coordinator)

    EPAM Systems   Kraków    praca stacjonarna
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    2224 dni
    Striving for excellence is in our DNA. Since 1993, we have been helping the world’s leading companies imagine, design, engineer, and deliver software and digital experiences that change the world. We are more than just specialists, we are experts. Description Currently we are looking for a Project...

EPAM Systems (Poland) Sp. z o.o.

ul. Fabryczna 1A

31-553 Kraków

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