Accor jest wiodącą na świecie, kompleksową grupą hotelarską oferującą gościom wyjątkowe i niezapomniane wrażenia w 5 000 hotelach, kurortach i rezydencjach w 110 krajach świata.
Z 300 000 pracownikami we wszystkich czterech zakątkach świata, różnorodność jest dla naszej Grupy codziennością. Ta ambicja, którą chcemy razem z Wami realizować, stanowi część dążenia do otwartości, promowania równości w miejscu pracy i zapobiegania dyskryminacji, wszędzie tam, gdzie działamy.
Accor dysponuje niezrównanym portfolio marek hoteli, od luksusowych po ekonomiczne i od ponad 50 lat świadczy usługi związane z gościnnością. Oprócz zakwaterowania, dzięki świadczonym usługom w zakresie gastronomii, rozrywki, wellbeing i coworkingu, Accor umożliwia nowe sposoby życia, pracy i spędzania czasu wolnego.
Aby realizować cele biznesowe, portfolio Accor obejmuje także działalność ukierunkowaną na dystrybucję usług, działania operacyjne i doświadczenia w branży hotelarskiej. Goście mają dostęp do jednego z najbardziej atrakcyjnych programów lojalnościowych na świecie. Accor jest głęboko zaangażowany w tworzenie zrównoważonego rozwoju aktywnie działając na rzecz naszej planety i lokalnych społeczności. W ramach programu Planet 21 - Acting Here. Accor działa na rzecz „pozytywnego hotelarstwa”, a w ramach Accor Solidarity pomaga osobom w niekorzystnej sytuacji życiowej poprzez szkolenia zawodowe i dostęp do miejsc pracy.
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...
Grand MercureZjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Dubai
praca stacjonarna
1732 dni
What is in it for you: Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor worldwide; Learning programs through our Academies and the opportunity to earn qualifications while you work. Opportunity to develop your talent and grow within your property and across the world; Ability to make a...