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Web Specialist

Kroll Ontrack sp. z o.o
praca stacjonarna
2596 dni temu

Kroll Ontrack is a technology software and services company serving both the Data Recovery and Legal Technologies markets. As the world’s largest Data Recovery company, Kroll Ontrack boasts international in-lab services with clean room facilities as well virtual on-site services through Remote Data Recovery. Kroll Ontrack’s Legal Technologies group (Electronic Discovery, Paper Discovery, Computer Forensics) assists attorneys, businesses and investigators with the collection, organization and preparation of data for review and analysis in legal matters, regulatory filings, and investigations. More details about our company on:

Web Specialist

Location: Katowice

Job Description:


In this position you will be responsible for providing design expertise for online media. You will work closely with cross-functional teams, including domestic and international marketing members and product and sales stakeholders. In this position you will be also responsible for execution of web management activities in various European countries, including content entry, optimization of the layout


  • A university degree or equivalent
  • Good knowledge of English (B2- C1, written and spoken)
  • Working knowledge of web design
  • At least 2 years of html experience (4 years preferred)
  • Graphic design experience (will be an advantage)
  • Working knowledge of content management systems
  • Experience in A/B testing
  • Understanding of SEO optimization (experience preferred)
  • Understanding of UX Design process
  • Experience with creating and optimizing graphics and user interface for the Internet. This includes HTML coding, graphic file manipulation and optimization, and expertise with tools such as Adobe Creative Suite
  • Javascript and CSS experience (will be an advantage)
  • Ability to organize and prioritize workload, meet deadlines and manage time efficiently
  • Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Great attention to details
We offer:
  • International working environment for a worldwide leader in Data Recovery, Computer Forensics, Electronic Discovery and Legal Technologies
  • Involvement in advanced, best in class technology solutions
  • Comfortable work environment
  • Friendly, fast paced atmosphere
  • Open - minded team of creative, innovative, software engineering driven colleagues
  • Professional-growth opportunities
  • Attractive package of benefits
  • Relocation support
Prosimy o dodanie w aplikacji klauzuli: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w niniejszym dokumencie przez firmę KLDiscovery Ontrack Sp. z o.o. do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 roku o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. Ustaw z 2018, poz. 1000) oraz zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO)".

KLDiscovery is a technology software and services company serving both the Data Recovery and Legal Technologies markets. As the world’s largest Data Recovery company, Ontrack boasts international in-lab services with clean room facilities as well virtual on-site services through Remote Data Recovery. KLDiscovery’s Legal Technologies group (Electronic Discovery, Paper Discovery, Computer Forensics) assists attorneys, businesses and investigators with the collection, organization and preparation of data for review and analysis in legal matters, regulatory filings, and investigations. More details about our company on: |

„Zgodnie z art. 24 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z 2002 r., Nr 101, poz. 926 z późn. zm.) informuję, iż administratorem danych osobowych przekazanych przez Panią/Pana dobrowolnie w celu przeprowadzenia rekrutacji jest Kroll Ontrack Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Katowicach przy ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 11. Dane osobowe będą udostępnianie tylko i wyłącznie podmiotom upoważnionym na podstawie przepisów prawa. Posiada Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania”.