Ogłoszenie numer: 28141, z dnia 2007-04-06
Rescompany Systems Ltd.
Rescompany Systems Ltd. is a well established international company based in the UK with offices in Austria, Australia and Canada. The company provides reservation systems tailored to suit needs of the leisure industry, specifically cruise-ship market.
VB.NET/ASP.NET Software Developer
Miejsce pracy: pomorskie, Trójmiasto i okolice
Nr Ref.: VB07/01
Opis stanowiska
We are looking for a Software Developer who will join a small team based in Poland and group of programmers in Canada. The candidate will be expected to develop new components and correct issues with the current functionality.Wymagania
Required Skills • 3+ years experience in applications development • VB.NET, ASP.NET • MS-SQL Server or Oracle proficiency • Good English skills • Ability to work independently Desired Skills • Crystal Reports experience • Graphic design skillsOferujemy
• Excellent salary • Full time job • Interesting and challenging work in multinational environment • Work mainly from home with infrequent trips to other countriesProsimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.