For our Client - European Border and Coast Guard Agency we are looking for:
Analysis of internal and external written documents and texts;
Assists with drafting various types of documents;
Contribute to drafting and reviewing documents related to THB and migrant smuggling policies;
Support the staff in the area of THB and Facilitated Illegal Immigration/Migrant Smuggling in relation to EMPACT activities (including OAP drafting, Identification of OAs, liaise with EMPACT stakeholders etc.);
Support in research in thematic areas on EMPACT-related priorities;
Assess policy documents related to THB and Facilitated Illegal Immigration/Migrant Smuggling and provide feedback to the relevant managers.
Schedule, in agreement with the HoS and relevant area Manager, number of events per year and approximate dates;
Identify the relevant stakeholders to attend the event;
Draft an ad hoc list and disseminate the relevant invitations;
Prepare background documents, collects presentations, briefing notes, reports, guidelines etc. in view to the meetings;
Assist in the logistics for the meeting;
Attend the events and take notes, prepare report, disseminate follow-up requests;
Prepare conclusions and disseminate them to all relevant stakeholders;
Flag to the relevant managers issues of a strategic nature requiring action.
Support the preparation of SAP and other relevant documents, also verifying their compliance with Frontex policies;
Contribute to the implementation of the JADs, under the control of the relevant Managers;
Receiving and integrating inputs, comments, recommendations etc. from relevant contributors;
Integrated results and disseminate them to the relevant counterparts;
Liaise, if appropriate, with MPR for possible promotion of the results, under the HoS supervision;
Report on results and conclusions.
Coordination of tasks of a horizontal nature concerning strategic issues linked with law enforcement functions:
Organising, participating and drafting conclusions from strategic meetings of Frontex with relevant external partners;
Identifying and liaising with relevant actors in law enforcement domain at national and international level in order to enhance cooperation;
Advising Sector on matters of common interest by proposing strategic goals and priorities to relevant managers.
- Legal background/studies;
- Studies in international law and in European criminal law;
- Knowledge of legal analysis and capability to draft legal opinions;
- Expertise in environmental law;
- Capability to translate the knowledge on environmental law with research and analysis of environmental crimes;
- Experience and knowledge to analyse policy documents;
- Desk researches on legal matters or topics related to criminal markets;
- Capability to speak and write fluently in English;
- Knowledge of drafting documents such as Briefing Papers, Concept Notes, Meeting Reports etc.
- contract of employment through the Employment Agency
- daily remuneration: 135,51€ gross
- opportunity for development and promotion
- work with professionals
Staff Partners
Grupa Staff Partners to sprawdzony dostawca usług w obszarze nowoczesnego i efektywnego zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi.
Współpracę z Klientem opieramy na budowaniu partnerskich relacji, rzetelnej obsłudze i przejrzystej ofercie cenowej.
Od początku 2003 roku naszą działalność skupiamy na skutecznych rekrutacjach, elastycznej pracy tymczasowej i profesjonalnej obsłudze kadrowo-płacowej.
Nasze usługi realizowane są przez zespół specjalistów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w swoich dziedzinach, gwarantujący indywidualne podejście do każdego projektu.
Kompleksowość oferty Staff Partners pozwala naszym Klientom skupić działania na realizacji celów strategicznych dzięki powierzeniu tematyki kadrowej w ręce naszych ekspertów.