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Service Desk Supporter - Danish speaker

Service Desk Supporter - Danish speaker

Arla Global Shared Services
praca stacjonarna
1516 dni temu
Service Desk Supporter - Danish speaker

Welcome to Global Shared Services in Gdansk

Arla is a global farmer-owned organisation that is behind many well-known and loved brands, including Arla Apetina®, Castello®, Lurpak® and many, many more.


As a Service Desk Supporter you become a part of our Global Shared Services in Gdansk. Here, you won’t find factory machines or farmers. Instead, you will join over 400 colleagues dedicated to supporting Arla with IT, HR, financial and procurement operations. Joining us, you will take part in our mission to make a real difference for colleagues near and far.


With over 10 years of existence in Gdansk, we offer you a lot of knowledge and the opportunity to partake in challenging and exciting innovation projects. As a part of the Arla organisation, you will also enjoy a Scandinavian, collaborative work culture. We are all on first name terms with each other, and we truly appreciate diversity and individuality.


About the job


Join our centralized Service Desk and become a part of a multinational team where quality has a priority over quantity, and where we aim to do the right thing the first time around. We are a high performing and highly motivated group of people and we are here to provide the best possible support to our colleagues around the globe (internal client).

We started our journey in September 2018 so we are a relatively young Service Desk. This means that you will have plenty of opportunities to develop your professional skills in the IT direction that you would like to go, and that you will have lots of room to try out a variety of different tasks before making a decision. We value openness and willingness to try out new things and put great value in tolerance as well as the ability to communicate through language and cultural barriers. If this has caught your interest, please read below about the position.


As a Service Desk Supporter you will:
  • Perform 1st and 1.5 level support for all systems and devices
  • Perform remote troubleshooting through SCCM
  • Educate and guide end-users while problem-solving
  • Identify and suggest improvements on currently followed processes
  • Act as escalation point in case of urgent or severe IT incidents
  • Prioritize and manage many open tickets at the same time
  • Analyse most commonly reported incidents
  • Escalate unresolved issues to higher support teams
  • Record all incidents and service requests in our ITSM tool

Welcome to Global Shared Services in Gdansk

Arla is a global farmer-owned organisation that is behind many well-known and loved brands, including Arla Apetina®, Castello®, Lurpak® and many, many more.


As a Service Desk Supporter you become a part of our Global Shared Services in Gdansk. Here, you won’t find factory machines or farmers. Instead, you will join over 400 colleagues dedicated to supporting Arla with IT, HR, financial and procurement operations. Joining us, you will take part in our mission to make a real difference for colleagues near and far.


With over 10 years of existence in Gdansk, we offer you a lot of knowledge and the opportunity to partake in challenging and exciting innovation projects. As a part of the Arla organisation, you will also enjoy a Scandinavian, collaborative work culture. We are all on first name terms with each other, and we truly appreciate diversity and individuality.


About the job


Join our centralized Service Desk and become a part of a multinational team where quality has a priority over quantity, and where we aim to do the right thing the first time around. We are a high performing and highly motivated group of people and we are here to provide the best possible support to our colleagues around the globe (internal client).

We started our journey in September 2018 so we are a relatively young Service Desk. This means that you will have plenty of opportunities to develop your professional skills in the IT direction that you would like to go, and that you will have lots of room to try out a variety of different tasks before making a decision. We value openness and willingness to try out new things and put great value in tolerance as well as the ability to communicate through language and cultural barriers. If this has caught your interest, please read below about the position.


As a Service Desk Supporter you will:
  • Perform 1st and 1.5 level support for all systems and devices
  • Perform remote troubleshooting through SCCM
  • Educate and guide end-users while problem-solving
  • Identify and suggest improvements on currently followed processes
  • Act as escalation point in case of urgent or severe IT incidents
  • Prioritize and manage many open tickets at the same time
  • Analyse most commonly reported incidents
  • Escalate unresolved issues to higher support teams
  • Record all incidents and service requests in our ITSM tool

Who are you?

  • Reliable and dependable person
  • Creative with a great sense of team spirit
  • A skilled communicator and excel in providing appropriate customer support

Furthermore, you have:

  • Fluent Danish and English skills
  • Good knowledge of MS Office and Outlook tools
  • Strong negotiation and problem-solving skills
  • Good analytical and organizational skills
  • Ability to work in fast-changing environment

What do we offer?

  • Relocation package
  • Work in an international team & matrix structure
  • Friendly atmosphere & comfortable work place (Neptun office in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz)
  • Medical care & life insurance
  • Additional benefits like gym card, vouchers, travel points or cinema tickets etc.
  • Professional induction in a new position
  • Chill out rooms with Xbox and the best coffee in the building

Application and contact

If you want to drive innovation and help your colleagues worldwide, then seize this exciting opportunity.


Read more about Arla Global Shared Services

Global Shared Services consists of multiple functions that are all placed in the Neptun building in Gdansk – with colourful offices and a beautiful sea view.


As of now, we have an IT Operations and an IT Solutions division dedicated to SAP as well as a variety of app development and implementation projects. Our procurement and finance functions support a wide array of processes such as purchasing, distribution and sales globally.

We also have a dedicated HR operations division to ensure we attract, develop and retain the very best of talent around the world.


Together, we are all dedicated to one collective mission: ensuring an optimal global supply of fresh Arla products – every single day.


COVID-19 Notice:

We are busy producing dairy products so we can continue #fillingtheshelves and #feedingthenation. Recruiting talent to Arla thus stays one of our top priorities also during these difficult times. Necessity is the mother of invention, so we have moved to virtual hiring and onboarding processes so we enable candidates and our recruitment teams to get close while respecting social distancing. If at the final stages of a recruitment, a candidate would prefer to meet in person, we take all the necessary precautions to ensure everyone's safety.


Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w przesłanych przeze mnie dokumentach przez Arla Global Shared Services spółkę z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, z siedzibą w Gdańsku (80-244) przy Al. Grunwaldzkiej 103A, w celach niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji, przeprowadzonego przez Arla Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o.

Klauzula informacyjna

Zgodnie z art.13 RODO, informuje się, iż Administratorem państwa danych osobowych, przetwarzanych w związku z prowadzonym procesem rekrutacji jest Arla Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Gdańsku (80-244) przy Al. Grunwaldzkiej 103A. Dane kontaktowe do Administratora w sprawie ochrony danych osobowych: Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu realizacji projektu rekrutacji. Podstawą prawną przetwarzania danych osobowych jest przepis prawa (art. 22(1) k.p.) oraz zgoda (Art. 6 ust. 1 a RODO). Dane osobowe mogą być przekazywane (ujawniane) organom publicznym wyłącznie na mocy obowiązujących przepisów prawa. Dane osobowe mogą być ujawniane procesorom, czyli podmiotom przetwarzającym dane na zlecenie Administratora danych w toku procesu rekrutacji ze względu na wykorzystywane metody i narzędzia. Dane przechowywane będą w przypadku osób, z którymi zostanie zawarta umowa o pracę przez czas trwania umowy, a następnie w oparciu o obowiązujące przepisy prawa, natomiast dane osób, z którymi nie zostanie zawarta umowa o pracę przez okres 1 roku kalendarzowego, następnie dane zostaną zanonimizowane. Informuje się o następujących przysługujących prawach:
  1. prawo wycofania zgody na przetwarzanie danych,
  2. prawo dostępu do danych osobowych,
  3. prawo żądania sprostowania danych osobowych,
  4. prawo żądania usunięcia danych osobowych,
  5. prawo żądania ograniczenia przetwarzania danych osobowych,
  6. prawo do przenoszenia danych osobowych danych przetwarzanych na podstawie umowy lub na podstawie zgody (Kontakt do administratora:
  7. prawo wycofania zgody co jednak nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, przed jej wycofaniem,
  8. prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Organem nadzorczym jest Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych osobowych z siedzibą w Warszawie (00-193) przy ul. Stawki 2.
Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, jednak niezbędne do realizacji celów, do jakich będą zebrane. Informuje się, iż w procesie realizacji postanowień umowy nie występuje i nie są podejmowane decyzje w oparciu o zautomatyzowane profilowanie. Administrator danych nie przewiduje zmiany celu przetwarzania danych osobowych.
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Arla Global Shared Services

Moooo. We are Arla GSS and we deal with business the Scandinavian way.

You most likely associate us with brands like Arla Apetina, Lurpak or Castello. We are part of the global Arla Foods group employing over 20,000 people worldwide and delivering 25 trillion glasses of milk a year. That being said… At our office in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz we do not produce butter or cheese, nor do we conduct milk quality assessment. We are a Global Shared Services Center and we deliver tens of projects in: Finance, IT, Global and Local HR, Risk Controls and Compliance, Supply Chain, Procurement, Customer Service, Member Service and Operations, European Transport Control Center, Supplier Quality Assurance.