Ogłoszenie numer: 153348, z dnia 2011-06-29
Webanywhere is an International organisation with expertise in developing engaging eLearning solutions both in the Education and Corporate Sectors.
SEO Search Engine Optimization / PPC
Miejsce pracy: lubelskie
Opis stanowiska
We are looking for a hands on, enthusiastic, and experienced SEO to help with all aspects of our link building projects. We are looking for someone with a logical and analytical mind and a thirst for knowledge.
Essential Requirements
- Project management skills and ability to work to deadlines and targets
- Able to work to a specific brief from client but should also be independent, self-motivated and willing to suggest new ideas and solutions
- Willing to work in international markets for international clients
- Experience in keyword research and link building
- Knowledge of how strong copy-written content relates to SEO and search marketing
- Knowledge of on page SEO and experience in using HTML and online CMS
- Good reporting skills
- Able to use Google Analytics to track project progress and adjust work accordingly
- Strong interest in social media and its importance to SEO and role in spreading brand awareness
- Interest in keeping up to date with current news and advancements in the industry
- Basic skills in Excel
Desirable Requirements
- Experience in using online software for website metrics e.g. Raven Tools
- Experience in online PR
- Advanced skills in Excel
- Experience in providing training in SEO and project management to new recruits
- CSS knowledge
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.