CEVA Logistics – leading global supply chain company, providing end-to-end solutions in Freight Management, Contract Logistics, distribution & transportation management for large and medium-size customer companies, operating in over 170 countries worldwide is looking for a best candidate to join our Eastern & CentralEurope organization as a:
The candidate will be responsible for the entire solution design process, including data analysis, solution design, resource & cost model preparation and providing Business Development with the required input to technical and commercial proposals for new projects. The ideal candidate is an experienced Logistics Solution Design analyst with the strong warehousing bias. The candidate will be based in Warsaw with responsibility for the SD projects across all E&CE countries, primarily in the Automotive & Spare Parts, Technology & Industrial sectors, but can also support projects in other sectors if required.
- Solution Design and pricing input for RFQ responses: development of logistics solutions and pricing with the special focus on warehousing projects.
- Identifying the data required to analyze the customer"s business and design logistics solution. Analyzing customer data in order to derive the optimum logistics solution, processes, material flow, storage methods, warehouse layouts, resource levels and costs.
- Testing solutions through brainstorming and benchmarking exercises, support the warehousing best practice benchmarking and replication of best practices and processes across the organization.
- Translating approved logistics solutions and cost models into specified design (i.e. Process flows, charts, etc.) in compliance with customer and company requirements.
- Cooperate closely with other functions (Operations, Transport, HR, IT, Purchasing, Legal, Finance etc.) in order to gather the required input for technical & commercial proposal
- Assisting the CL Solution Design Manager and BD Managers in preparing high quality proposals including writing relevant sections and production of tables, graphs and diagrams in line with the corporate style guide.
- Visiting both potential and current customers with Business Development Managers, CE Solution Design Manager or other CEVA representatives as appropriate to gain an understanding of the customer's requirements.
- Participate in internal distribution optimization and re-design projects both on national and regional level to identify potential inefficiencies and cost improvements.
- Maintain an up to date knowledge of the cost & resource models within Central Europe
- Maintaining up to date knowledge of both the logistics industry and the defined service group (focus on warehousing) by attending trade shows and exhibitions, reading relevant journals and through membership of appropriate trade associations.
- Experience in designing logistic solutions and production processes improvements for automotive sector - spare parts especially, industrial and technology as well minimum 3 years on similar position. Knowledge of local law regulations connected to the contact logistics environment
- Capability of support transport & distribution solutions for logistics operations.
- Very good knowledge of Polish, English, MS Office, negotiations, formal presentation skills + Solution design/operational knowledge
- First Degree or equivalent (preferred - degree in Automotive Engineering and/ or Logistics Management)
- Good CAD (preferably Autocad) or CLASS user
- Good knowledge of Warehouse Management Systems (preferably RedPrairie)
- Experience of producing cost models
- Warehouse operational experience
- Availability to frequent travels
- Positive team player, competitive, confident personality with strongly developed persuasive skills and customer focused orientation
- A challenging and rewarding role in a global organization with multiple development opportunities.
- Collaborative work environment & market competitive package.
If you want to know more, please visit our website
CEVA Logistics Poland Sp. z o.o.
ul. Hodowców 37, 43-300,
CEVA Logistics Poland
Dlaczego warto?
CEVA jest wiodącym globalnym operatorem logistycznym, dostarczającym dedykowane rozwiązania w zakresie logistyki kontraktowej, frachtu lotniczego i morskiego, dystrybucji i zarządzania transportem swoim klientom na wszystkich kontynentach.
Powyżej 40,000 specjalistów jest zaangażowanych w obsługę naszych klientów. Wdrażamy najlepsze praktyki, dzięki czemu dostarczamy JAKOŚĆ i DOSKONAŁOŚĆ. Stale pracujemy nad swoim rozwojem, co przekłada się na rozwój naszej Firmy.
Proces rekrutacji
- Krok Przesłanie aplikacji
- Krok Rozmowa telefoniczna
- Krok Spotkanie rekrutacyjne
Opinie o pracodawcy
Katarzyna Szpałek
L&D Coordinator Poland, Polska ponad 20 lat doświadczenia w CEVA
Mam za sobą ponad 20 lat doświadczenia w CEVA. Praca w Ceva dostarcza mi ciągłych wyzwań, daje mi dużą satysfakcję i motywuje mnie do działania.
Magda Kwiatkowska
Junior Financial Controller Air&Ocean E&CE, Polska 3 lata doświadczenia w CEVA
W firmie Ceva Freight Poland jestem zatrudniona od ponad trzech lat. Praca dała mi ogromną mozliwość rozwoju, zarówno zawodowego jak i osobistego.
Jedną z rzeczy, które bardzo sobie cenię to, że firmę tworzą ludzie- zgrane zespoły, profesjonaliści w swoich dziedzinach.
Ceva stara sie przyciągać oraz kierować na drogę rozwoju swoich najlepszych pracowników. Dzięki temu jesteśmy w stanie połączyć wyjątkową atmosferę jak i najwyższą wydajność. -
Peter Püringer
Air & Ocean Manager, Austria 21 lat doświadczenia w CEVA
Pracę w CEVA najbardziej cenię za różnorodność codziennych zadań, świetną pracę zespołową oraz zróżnicowany charakter pracy w globalnym otoczeniu.