We are looking for candidates that are eager to develop their competence in the field of applied data science. As our consultant you will have a unique opportunity to test your machine learning skills in solving business problems for industries such as Financial Services (Banking & Insurance), Retail, FMCG, Oil&Gas and various other.
We aim in delivering end-to-end solutions by collaborating heavily with Business Experts from other teams in PwC (Strategy & Operations, Financial Services, Digital Transformation, etc.), Developers and professionals from IT. Our team employs specialist in Machine Learning, Big Data solutions and architecture, statistics and its applications, as well as Deep Learning with various backgrounds (computer science, mathematics, physics, engineering and economy) and degree of seniority (from juniors with 1-2 years of experience to country leaders with over 10+ on the market).
We want to expand our service base by employing new Senior Data Scientist.
As a Senior Data Scientist you will be tasked with developing technological, data-driven solutions for our clients. You will not only contribute to research and development and prototyping of AI/ML techniques (with a special focus on NLP) but also apply them to solve challenging real-world business problems.
You will closely work with PwC industry experts, software engineering teams, clients and actively participate in the proposal-making process within your area of expertise.
It is expected that you will grow professional expertise through seeking knowledge, skills and hands-on experience in Data Science (through on the job learning, external events, conferences and training) as well as share your acquired knowledge with junior staff.
Candidate’s profile:
- At least 3-5 years of relevant professional experience (Data Science, Machine Learning)
- Expertise in applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) models on real-world datasets
- Advance knowledge of at least one Data Science related programming language - preferably Python or R.
- Advance knowledge about statistics, experience in prediction modeling
- Strong experience with analysis of large data sets and good knowledge of machine learning algorithms.
- Experience in training models on GPU
- Experience with analysis of large data sets and good knowledge of machine learning algorithms.
- Higher degree (preferred Math, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Operational Research or related).
- Interest in Data Science, ML, NLP and willingness to learn new tools and solutions.
- Very good command of the English language.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills - essential in day-to-day cooperation with clients and the team.
Additional assets will be:
- Familiar with Linux, git, containers and microservices
- Experience in AI-driven chatbots technology
- Experience in deploying ML models in production environment
- Knowledge of Big Data Ecosystem: Hadoop (HDFS, YARN), Spark (PySpark/Scala, MLlib, GraphX), Hive/Presto/Impala.
- Experience in graph databases (Neo4j, Cypher)
- Knowledge of an object-oriented programming language (C#, Java).
- Strong experience in Python programming
Our offer:
- Opportunity to develop skills in statistical modelling embedded in business reality.
- Gaining knowledge and experience in the practical use of technology centered around Big Data on projects carried out for companies from different sectors.
- Dynamic, project driven work environment.
- Excellent working conditions and a friendly working atmosphere.
- Attractive compensation with additional benefits package.
Dlaczego warto?
PwC Polska jest częścią globalnej sieci firm świadczących usługi audytu, doradztwa podatkowego i doradztwa biznesowego oraz technologicznego.
Naszym celem jest pomaganie klientom w osiąganiu ich celów poprzez dostarczanie kompleksowych rozwiązań i specjalistycznej wiedzy branżowej.
Stawiając na innowacyjność i współpracę, umożliwiamy naszym pracownikom wywieranie znaczącego wpływu i wprowadzanie pozytywnych
zmian w świecie biznesu. W PwC oferujemy dynamiczne i integracyjne środowisko pracy, które sprzyja rozwojowi zawodowemu.
Zapewniamy szkolenia i zasoby wspierające rozwój kariery naszych pracowników, umożliwiając im budowanie z nami udanej i satysfakcjonującej kariery.
Dołącz do nas w PwC i uwolnij swój potencjał na świetlaną przyszłość w świecie profesjonalnych usług.
Proces rekrutacji - Studenci i absolwenci
- Krok Aplikacja online
- Krok Game-Based Assessment
- Krok Weryfikacja języka w formie video
- Krok Assessment Center / Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
Proces rekrutacji - Profesjonaliści
- Krok Aplikacja online
- Krok Telefoniczna rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
- Krok Spotkanie rekrutacyjne