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Location: Warsaw
Devire to międzynarodowa firma specjalizująca się w usługach rekrutacji, outsourcingu i employer brandingu. Od ponad 30 lat reprezentujemy wiodących pracodawców na rynku europejskim, prowadząc kompleksowe projekty poszukiwań menedżerów i wyspecjalizowanej kadry, wdrażając najnowsze rozwiązania z obszaru usług IT oraz wspierając w budowaniu wizerunku pracodawcy z wyboru.
Nasze biura zlokalizowane są w Warszawie, Wrocławiu, Poznaniu, Katowicach oraz Monachium, Frankfurcie, Pradze i Hradec Kralove.
Devire Outsourcing IT is a form of partnership dedicated to self-employed IT specialist, executing projects for our Clients - leading IT Companies bringing innovations and newest resolutions to market.
Our Client is an international IT company offering a broad range of solutions that harness advances in healthcare information, technology, analytics and human ingenuity to drive healthcare forward.
Currently for our Client we are looking for Python Developer.
Team’s values:
- We focus on building software that adds value for our customers
- We believe that the best idea or opinion precedes the title of its author
- We are respectful of everybody’s “think” time, optimizing meetings and limiting interruptions as much as possible
- We value ownership, accountability, openness in collaboration and feedback
- We test our code before handing it off: unit tests, ML tests, (continuous) integration tests, etc
- At least 3+ years experience developing and deploying end to end applications
- Strong experience with test driven development methodologies
- Familiarity with Big Data
- Familiarity with REST API and web service development
- Good communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills
- Work well in a collaborative, team-based environment (both work autonomously and as part of a team)
- Be flexible and able to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment
- Be an expert, proactive communicator, and possesses strong leadership skills
Additional Skills:
- Experience with Scala
- Experience with Machine Learning
Our Client Offers
- Salary based on B2B contract
- Long-term employment
- Working for a leading corporation with a stable market position
- Benefits: private medical insurance, life insurance and a Multisport card
- Flexible working hours
- Possibility to partially work from home (home office)