Ogloszenie numer: 378998, z dnia 2014-01-27
MONDI Pro Permanent Recruitment Organisation należy do niemieckiej grupy kapitałowej, która już od 2002 roku wspiera przedsiębiorstwa poprzez wynajem personelu i jego rekrutację, w szczególności dla takich branż jak przemysł, logistyka i administracja. Posiadamy 22 oddziały w Niemczech i Polsce.
Aktualnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:
Production Director
Miejsce pracy: cała Polska
Opis stanowiska
As a Production Director you will be responsible for:
- Coordination and control of two production departments as well support departments
- Efficient planning
- Continuously developing and improving the production process including technical issues
- Implementing necessary changes
- Ensuring the high level of health and safety
- Developing plans, budgets, policies and procedures
- Analyzing the production costs as well as taking proper actions
- Solving problems related to all areas of responsibility
- Engineer dergree in mechanical or metallurgy is essential
- Min. 10 years of experience in manufacturing in following disciplines: casting or mechanical processing, production metal parts, autmatic.
- 5+ years of experience in management level with organization of 200 emplyees and direct report of at least 30 employees
- Strong knowledge of modern production management methods
- Preferable knowledge of casting industry
- Very good management, organization skills
- Finance knowledge
- Ability to improve processes in the field of production, technological and logistics as well as experience in implementing changes with very good impact in those areas
- Salary adequate to experience, knowledge and skills
- Possibility to work in international company, one of the leaders in the industry
- All tools necessary to make your actions as efficient as possible
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.