Ogłoszenie numer: 108362, z dnia 2010-07-29
The Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the BASQUE GOVERNMENT (Spain) has set up a program designed to recruit professionals.
The program shall be implemented in both countries (SPAIN AND POLAND) and, in addition to offering training opportunities and a chance to learn more about the Basque economic structure. The program also aims to forge closer ties between young professionals from different countries and companies operating in the Basque Country, in order to promote closer business relationships.
- University Degree.
- Less than 35 years old.
- Must be Polish.
- Applicants must not have received any grant of similar characteristics
- Must speak fluent English.
Miejsce pracy: Wrocław
Opis stanowiska
- The candidate will be responsible for the sale and introduction of the company in Poland and other related markets. The business should mainly be driven by being in contact with different clients and starting contact with potential clients in the country.
- University Degree: Mechanical or Industrial Engineering, Business Administration... or similar.
- Good knowledge of Microsoft Office applications.
- Personal skills: The ideal candidate will have great initiative, strong track record of achieving succes, strong communication, presentation, strong planning and organizational skills, good ability to manage, excellent oral and written communication and problem sollving skills, strong negotation skills.
- Previous experience in sales is not required but will be taken in value.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.