Najnowsze oferty pracy

  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   warmińsko-mazurskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   dolnośląskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   kujawsko-pomorskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   lubelskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   lubuskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   łódzkie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   Kraków    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   mazowieckie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   opolskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   podkarpackie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
Zobacz więcej ofert pracy

ML Ops Developer (Data Science)

KUBO Sp. z o. o. Spółka komandytowa
praca stacjonarna
1291 dni temu
ML Ops Developer (Data Science)

100% zdalnie

Dla naszego międzynarodowego Klienta z branży medycznej tworzymy aktualnie zespół do projektu związanego z obszarem transkrypcji mowy, który odmieni życie wielu pacjentów na całym świecie.


  • Badanie i wdrażanie narzędzi, struktury i platform MLOps do projektów Data Science.
  • Praca nad backlogiem w celu zwiększenia dojrzałości rozwiązań MLOps w organizacji
  • Zwiększenie dokładności wewnętrznych modeli i zapewnienie wysokiej jakości produktów firmy
  • Doświadczenie w operacjonalizacji projektów Data Science (MLOps) z wykorzystaniem przynajmniej jednego z frameworków lub platform (np. Machine Learning , Kubeflow, Google AI Platform, Azure, AWS Sagemaker)
  • Znajomość narzędzi wykorzystywanych do automatyzacji CI/CD
  • Doświadczenie w środowisku chmurowym
  • Dobra znajomość koncepcji ML i AI. Praktyczne doświadczenie w tworzeniu modeli ML.
  • Znajomość języka Python jak i skryptów Bash
  • Doświadczenie z technologią Kubernetes
  • Praca w 100% zdalna
  • Współpraca długoterminowa
  • Praca w międzynarodowym środowisku przy dużych projektach
  • Pakiet benefitów pozapłacowych
Aplikując zostaniesz poproszony o wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych na potrzeby udziału w procesie rekrutacyjnym przez KUBO Sp. z o. o. Spółka komandytowa oraz KUBO Tomasz Kowalski z siedzibą w Toruniu (87-100) przy ul. Grudziądzkiej 79, jako administratora danych, zgodnie z ogólnym rozporządzeniem o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 26 kwietnia 2016 r. (Dz. Urz. UE L 2016, Nr 119, RODO). Przypominamy, iż masz prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem.

Podobne oferty

  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   warmińsko-mazurskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   dolnośląskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   kujawsko-pomorskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   lubelskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   lubuskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   łódzkie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   Kraków    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   mazowieckie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   opolskie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...
  • Software Engineer - Automation and Augmentation Technologies

    Aon   podkarpackie    praca zdalna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    7 dni
    What the day will look like Design and implement automation solutions from business and technical requirements. Partner with Business Analysts to define the manual rules used to govern the process, and then translate those rules into automations; Responsibility for scripting and coding in UiPath...