Members Support Agent with Dutch

Arla Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o.
Gdańsk, Wrzeszcz (Neptun Office)
specjalista (mid)
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
3 dni temu

Are you ready to make a positive impact in the agricultural industry? Join our unique team and embark on an exciting journey where you will play a pivotal role in supporting our farmer owners. This is the perfect opportunity to experience the dynamic and collaborative environment of a corporate setting while making a difference in sustainable farming practices.


About the job


In order to increase the support to our farmer owners (members) dedicated team in Gdansk has been created two years ago. The main responsibilities of the Members Support Agent is to provide timely and effective front-line and operational support to our 8000+ farmer owners in 7 European countries (Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and The Netherlands).

Members Support Agent with Dutch
Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk, Wrzeszcz (Neptun Office)
Specifically, you will:
  • Proactively handle farmers' inquiries on a daily basis, ensuring high-quality, accurate, and timely support.
  • Maintain master data.
  • Monitor milk quality results and collaborate with other departments and external partners such as laboratories and logistics teams.
  • Verify documentation based on established guidelines and standards.
  • Support the administration of quality assurance programs related to sustainable farming practices.
  • Collaborate with local teams to establish strong relationships and build trust with our farmers, fostering a cooperative and supportive environment.
  • Contribute to the development of our knowledge library by creating informative guides and resources for farmers, enabling them to access essential information easily.
  • Handle ad hoc tasks on a daily basis to address any immediate needs or requests from farmers and ensure their satisfaction and trust in our services.

Join our team and be part of a vibrant community that values innovation, teamwork, and the pursuit of excellence.


Who are you?

Someone with a:

  • High level of English .
  • Very good command of the Dutch language (min. B2).
  • At least a bachelor's degree.
  • Ability to manage complexity, prioritise tasks effectively with an enthusiastic can-do attitude.
  • Willingness to support farmers with they inquiries.
  • Attention to detail, self-motivation and great organizational skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • An ability to adapt to different styles to suit different audience.
  • An ability to identify process improvements.
  • Experience in dealing with documentation will be a plus.
  • Experience in the customer service field would be a huge advantage.
  • Experience within the Salesforce environment will be an additional advantage.
What do we offer?
  • Flexible working time (start your day of work between 7-9) and home office work possibility.
  • Language bonus.
  • Trainings with experts & professional induction in a new position.
  • Development programs (function additions, coordinator programme).
  • Financial support of your education.
  • Medical care & life insurance.
  • Additional benefits like gym card, vouchers, travel points or cinema tickets, etc.
  • Scandinavian working style & no dress code.
  • Home kit – monitor, laptop, keyboard, mouse, headsets, webcam.
  • Relocation allowance.
  • Referral program for employees.
  • Employee Assistance Program (legal, psychological, health, financial consulting, etc.).
  • Support for your healthy lifestyle (fruit day, facility for sportsmen, sport challenges and activities, Arla active teams / sport groups).
  • Additional holiday depending on length of employment (up to 4 days).
… while in the office you can also use some of below:
  • Modern office space with beautiful view and high standard furniture (i.e. adjustable desks).
  • Chill-out rooms with X-box, pool table, board games, football table and swing.
Application and contact

If you want to drive innovation and help your colleagues worldwide, then seize this exciting opportunity.


Welcome to Global Shared Services in Gdansk

Arla is a global farmer-owned organisation behind many well-known and well-loved brands.

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.
Aplikuj teraz


Arla Global Shared Services

Moooo. We are Arla GSS and we deal with business the Scandinavian way.

You most likely associate us with brands like Arla Apetina, Lurpak or Castello. We are part of the global Arla Foods group employing over 20,000 people worldwide and delivering 25 trillion glasses of milk a year. That being said… At our office in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz we do not produce butter or cheese, nor do we conduct milk quality assessment. We are a Global Shared Services Center and we deliver tens of projects in: Finance, IT, Global and Local HR, Risk Controls and Compliance, Supply Chain, Procurement, Customer Service, Member Service and Operations, European Transport Control Center, Supplier Quality Assurance.

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