- IBM Mainframe Unix System Services (USS) Software Engineer,
- responsible for planning, installing and maintenance of z/OS Unix software-related components,
- responsible for problem management and determination of z/OS Unix-related software and supporting components,
- capable of writing z/OS Unix design and implementation concept documents.
- at least 5-7 years of experience in the area of z/OS Unix software and supporting components,
- hands-on person with an overwhelming aim to serve and support the customer when problems occur or solutions required,
- SMP/E and experience with the z/OS operating system is an absolute must,
- excellent understanding and skills in the following areas:
- z/OS Unix systems API and interactive shell open systems interfaces and their relationship with the z/OS operating system,
- terminology, components and major functions provided in z/OS Unix
- parameters contained within BPXPRMxx and IOEPRMxx, including how they control the z/OS Unix environment and the associated zFS filesystems,
- defining system limits (system-wide and process-level limits),
- reporting and managing these limits,
- parameter settings that influence user logon, active processes, file handling, and storage requirements,
- customizing other parmlib members interacting with z/OS Unix (COFVLFxx, CTnBPXxx, IEADMR00, SMFPRMxx),
- understanding and managing all aspects of zFS filesystem handling (allocation, growth, performance, etc),
- understanding all aspects of USS process handling.
- experience in software development/deployment on the z/OS operating system up to z/OS V1R13 (z/OS V2R1 would be an advantage),
- expert skills in TSO/ISPF, REXX, related ISV products and other subsystems are essential (base: z/OS Systems Engineering),
- good understanding of the Microsoft Office Product Suite,
- skills in the area of assembler programming would be an advantage, but not necessarily a must,
- strong software problem determination through dump reading and analysis using IPCS,
- team player, innovative and customer-oriented thinking, and must be able to perform independently
- installing, managing and utilizing the IBM HTTP Server, Java and various other plug-ins,
- basic understanding of J2EE application security, JMS server, Java Connection Architecture, and exploitation of zIIP processors.