Najnowsze oferty pracy

  • Starszy Specjalista ds. finansowo-księgowych i analiz

    Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa "Mokotów"   Warszawa, ul. Łowicka 10    praca stacjonarna
    starszy specjalista (senior)  umowa o pracę  pełny etat  aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    6 dni
    Do obowiązków osoby zatrudnionej na w/w stanowisku należeć będzie: nadzór nad prawidłowym i terminowym obiegiem dokumentów księgowych, weryfikacja i księgowanie faktur zakupu i innych dokumentów księgowych, wystawianie faktur sprzedaży, not księgowych, not korygujących, PK,...
  • Specjalista ds. Obsługi Księgowej

    GRUPA PZU   Warszawa    praca hybrydowa
    specjalista mid / junior / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    13 dni
    Ewidencja, rozliczenia oraz uzgadnianie zapisów w systemie finansowo-księgowym dokumentów w zakresie zdarzeń ubezpieczeniowych; Weryfikacja dokumentacji, kontrola jej kompletności i poprawności; Obsługa rozrachunków i realizacja płatności; Rozliczanie transakcji na rachunkach bankowych w...
  • Specjalista / Specjalistka ds. Rozliczeń

    Medicover Sp. z o.o.   Warszawa    praca hybrydowa
    specjalista (mid)  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    1 godz.
    Zakres obowiązków: dokumentowanie świadczeń z platformy fakturami i notami dla odbiorców; wystawianie zamówień zakupu i ich realizacja z dostawcami; sprawdzanie przyjęć towaru na platformie benefitowej z systemem MS Dynamics AX; prowadzenie działań „miękkiej windykacji” - mailowy i...
  • Specjalista ds. finansowo-księgowych

    AMW TBS „KWATERA” Sp. z o.o.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista (mid)  umowa o pracę  pełny etat  aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    1 godz.
    Wystawianie faktur sprzedaży zgodnie z przepisami VAT; Dekretowanie i księgowanie dokumentów sprzedaży; Uzgadnianie rejestru VAT sprzedaży; Księgowanie wyciągów bankowych; Prowadzenie rozrachunków z tytułu należności, uzgadnianie sald z kontrahentami; Monitorowanie i windykacja...
  • Pracownik ds. przejściowych świadectw płatności (PŚP) (zespół IRR 6/2)​

    PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 godz.
    Zakres zadań wykonywanych na stanowisku: prowadzenie spraw związanych z monitorowaniem realizacji projektu w zakresie kontrolingu, sporządzanie, analizowanie i weryfikowanie sprawozdań dotyczących realizacji projektu, obsługa systemu informatycznego SAP i Platformy Zakupowej w zakresie...
  • Specjalista ds. NFZ

    LUX MED Sp. z o.o.   Warszawa, ul. Szamocka 6    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista (mid)  umowa o pracę
    3 godz.
    Praca w Szpitalu LUX MED Onkologia ul. Szamocka 6, 01-748 Warszawa. Twoją rolą będzie: Sporządzanie ofert w konkursach NFZ, na podwykonawstwo; Sporządzanie pism i odpowiedzi na komunikaty/pisma z NFZ; Regularne przeprowadzanie wewnętrznych audytów; Weryfikacja zmian w przepisach i...
  • Młodszy Specjalista ds. Controllingu

    Eurorent Sp. z o.o.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista mid / junior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    3 godz.
    Zakres obowiązków: Wsparcie opracowywania budżetu rocznego firmy oraz budżetów poszczególnych działów; Udział w raportowaniu wyniku miesięcznego, kalkulacja rezerw; Bieżący nadzór nad poprawnością zapisów księgowych; Weryfikacja klasyfikacji danych i matrycy systemu obiegu...
  • Główny Księgowy / Główna Księgowa

    SP EUROPE Sp. z o.о.   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    ekspert / kierownik/koordynator / menedżer  umowa o pracę  pełny etat  rekrutacja online  aplikuj szybko  aplikuj bez CV
    4 godz.
    Nadzór i prowadzenie pełniej księgowości Spółki zgodnie z Ustawą o rachunkowości; Zapewnienie terminowości i prawidłowości rozliczeń podatkowych w obszarze CIT, VAT, WHT, akcyzy i in.; Nadzór w zakresie naliczania płac; Sporządzanie rocznych sprawozdań finansowych i miesięcznych...
  • Młodszy Specjalista ds. Kontroli Kosztów

    Benefit Systems S.A.   Warszawa, przy stacji metra Rondo Daszyńskiego    praca hybrydowa / stacjonarna
    specjalista mid / junior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    5 godz.
    Sprawdź swój codzienny plan treningowy Rejestrowanie w systemie wewnętrznym wizyt użytkowników kart MultiSport; Rejestracja dokumentów kosztowych grupy Benefit Systems oraz opisywanie ich danymi nagłówkowymi; Kontakt z Partnerem biznesowym i wyjaśnianie niejasności zawartych na raportach...
  • Stażysta w zespole budżetowania nieruchomości

    PKO Bank Polski   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    praktykant/stażysta  umowa zlecenie
    6 godz.
    W naszym zespole na co dzień: pomagasz zarządzać kosztami utrzymania i wynajmu majątku trwałego, pomagasz opiniować wnioski kosztowe monitorujemy koszty działalności bieżącej, wspierasz rozliczanie kosztu usług świadczonych w administracji. To stanowisko może być Twoje, jeśli:...
Zobacz więcej ofert pracy

Lease Accounting Specialist

specjalista (mid)
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
231 dni temu
JTI Poland is part of Japan Tobacco International, a leading international tobacco company. We operate in 130 countries, employ over 46,000 people worldwide and our product portfolio includes world-renowned brands such as Camel, LD, Winston and Logic, available on the Polish market.

In Poland, we employ over 2,300 employees and we are the 3rd player in the tobacco industry. Since the beginning of JTI’s operations in Poland in 2007, we have been the fastest growing tobacco company: our market share has more than quadrupled and our production volume has grown more than 10 times.
In 2023 we have been also recognized with esteemed Friendly Workplace title, which furtherly confirms our high standards with regards to creating friendly atmosphere and taking care of employees’ wellbeing.
Sounds interesting? Join us today and write your own history in JTI!
We are currently recruiting for the position:
Lease Accounting Specialist
Location: Warszawa, Nr ref.: 90756
What we have prepared for you?
  • Competitive pay and attractive annual bonus.
  • Ongoing development opportunities in a multinational environment: Grow your skills in a diverse and ambitious environment with a wide variety of projects. We believe in promoting from within.
  • Freedom with responsibility: We trust your competencies and give you the freedom to manage your time and scope of work.
  • Flexible work arrangements: Choose between working from the office or the comfort of your home.
  • Private medical care and life insurance.
  • Employee pension and savings plan.
  • JTI Family Leave Benefit: We support your family by providing extended paid paternity leave and fully paid maternity leave.
  • Employee Assistance Program: Access our well-being platform for support and resources.
  • Employee Share Purchase Plan: Share in our success.
  • Multisport card and foreign language classes: Stay active with our Multisport card and enhance your skills with language classes.
  • Wide variety of training opportunities: Access a diverse range of trainings, webinars, and professional courses on our e-learning platforms, including sponsored certification programs for eligible employees.
  • BREAAM® certified office: Experience a world-class, green, and sustainable workspace at Norblin Factory. Enjoy amenities like a library, mindfulness zone, spacious kitchen, garden terrace, massage chairs, and underground bicycle parking.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Join our organization, which values diversity and includes colleagues from 36 different nationalities.
and most important benefits:
  • medical care
  • pension plan
  • life insurance
  • Multisport card
  • family leave
What will you be doing at JTI?
  • Ensure timely execution of end-to-end lease accounting process in accordance with IFRS and JSOX requirements.
  • Assist Team Lead and Experts to manage the governance of the processes & related controls.
  • Support Experts in more complex projects and activities including non-typical ad hoc tasks, audit queries, system testing, etc.
  • Work with the team to identify areas for continuous improvement to support productivity and strengthen the control environment; Providing knowledge transfer and training to new team members.
Who are we looking for – requirements:
  • University degree (Accounting or Finance).
  • At least 1 years’ experience in a multinational company (preferably in a Shared Service Centre multifunctional role (i.e. AR/AP/CM/GL)).
  • Strong command of English Language (oral and written).
  • Proficient SAP User.
  • Proficient Microsoft Excel User.
  • Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines.
  • Excellent analytical skills.
  • Knowledge of SAP 4 HANA and Lease Accounting by SAP CLM is a plus.
  • Global Flagship Behaviors.
If this role is what you're looking for, apply now by sending CV in English.

If you decide to participate in this recruitment, the administrator of your data will be JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Stary Gostków. Your data will be processed only to support the recruitment process in which you participate. Detailed information on the processing of your data and your rights can be found here.

How we process your personal data:

Basic information on the processing of personal data

Data Controller:
The data controller is JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Żelazna 51/53, 00-841 Warsaw (‘JTI GBS’).

Purposes of processing:
1. participation in the recruitment process announced by JTI GBS., in which you are applying;
2. in case of receiving your consent – enabling participation in recruitment processes conducted by JTI GBS in the future;
3. if your application is submitted under the employee referral program conducted at JTI GBS - handling your application and implementing the objectives of the program.
In specific situations, JTI GBS may also process your personal data to the extent necessary to establish, assert or defend against claims.

Legal basis for processing:
Ad. 1. Depending on the data scope :
- name, surname, date of birth, contact details, education, course of employment, professional qualifications: necessity for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject; – Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR in connection with Art. 22(1) § 1 of the Labour Code (however education, course of employment and qualifications are required only when it is necessary for the given position);
- other data provided by the candidate: consent – Art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR
Re. 2. - Future recruitments – consent – Art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR
Re. 3. - Employee Referral Program - the controller's legitimate interest consisting in conducting effective recruitment - Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.
In case your personal data are be processed for the purpose of establishing, investigating or defending against claims, the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the controller consisting in protecting JTI GBS rights.
GDPR – Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Rights related to the processing of personal data:
right to object to the processing of personal data;
right to erasure of data;
right of access to data;
right to restrict the processing of data;
right to rectify data or complete incomplete data;
right to transfer data;
right to withdraw consent to the processing, at any time;
right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Detailed information on processing: see the questions and answers below.

Detailed information on the processing of your personal data:

1. Who is the controller of your personal data?
Name and registered office: JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o., ul. Żelazna 51/53, 00-841 Warsaw
Contact mailbox regarding data processing:
Data Protection Officer: The data controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted directly at the following address: The Data Protection Officer can be contacted in all matters related to the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights related to the processing of such data.

2. For what purposes is your personal data processed?
Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of enabling you to take part in the recruitment process for the position in JTI GBS to which your application relates. If you have provided your consent to participate in the recruitment processes conducted by JTI GBS in the future, your data will also be processed for this purpose. If your application is considered under the employee referral program, your data will also be processed to accomplish the objectives of the program. In specific situations, JTI GBS may also process your personal data to the extent necessary to establish, assert or defend against claims. Detailed information on the basis of data processing is provided in the table.

3. What is the data retention period?
The data provided in order to take part in a specific recruitment project will be retained for the period until the end of the recruitment process, up to a maximum of 3 months from the selection of the employee in case no contract has been concluded. If you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data for future recruitments, then your data will be processed until your consent is withdrawn, but for no longer than for 12 months. In case of processing your application under the employee referral program, your personal data will be processed until the objectives of the program have been met. The duration of the processing of your personal data may be extended each time by the period of the statute of limitations for claims, if the processing is necessary to establish, assert or defend against claims.

4. Who will be the recipients of your personal data?
The data may be transferred to entities processing personal data on behalf of the controller, e.g. IT service providers, entities operating the database, entities handling application requests – however, these entities process data on the basis of an agreement with the controller and only in accordance with the controller's instructions and within the scope of the granted consent. Personal data may also be transferred to other JTI Group companies in connection with intra-group purposes.

5. Will your personal data be subject to profiling?
During the recruitment process, you may be asked to complete tests (e.g. analytical test, behavioural test, cognitive test) or to participate in an Assessment Center session. In the case of behavioural test, you will be subject to profiling. The system will evaluate the answers you give in the survey and create a profile of your behaviour and preferred working conditions based on these answers. The test is only a support material for the recruiter conducting your recruitment process and no automated decisions are made based thereon.

6. What are your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data?
You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing of data at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of consent prior to its withdrawal. You have the right to obtain information about the processing of your personal data concerned in accordance with Art. 15 of the GDPR, including to obtain copies of your personal data. In addition, you may request the rectification of inaccurate personal data, as well as the completion of incomplete personal data. You may also request restriction of the processing in the cases referred to in Art. 18 of the GDPR, as well as the data portability. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You have also the right to erasure your personal data. . When profiling is used (it may take place when using behavioural tests in the recruitment process), you have the right to object to the profiling of your personal data. In order to exercise the above rights, please contact the data controller, e.g. by sending an appropriate request via e-mail. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Poland: President of the Personal Data Protection Office).

7. Is personal data transferred outside the European Economic Area?
Your personal data may be entrusted for processing to JT International S.A. with its registered office in Switzerland, i.e. outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The European Commission has stated that this country offers an adequate level of personal data protection (Commission Decision of 26 July 2000). The recipient has implemented adequate and appropriate safeguards for your personal data. You have the right to receive a copy of the transferred personal data. Your personal data may also be transferred to other JTI Group companies that are based outside the EEA. Whenever the country to which the transfer of personal data will take place does not provide an adequate level of protection for personal data, JTI GBS will ensure the protection of your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

8. Is provision of the personal data mandatory?
Responding to the Company's advertisement and providing your data is voluntary. However providing the mandatory data is necessary for your application to be considered during the recruitment process. Failure to provide this data will prevent your application from being considered. The provision of other data is voluntary and constitutes the candidate's consent to their processing in the recruitment process. If you raise an objection to the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process, further participation will not be possible.


JTI GBS Poland sp. z o.o.

Why is it worth joining JTI GBS Poland?

JTI GBS Poland is the global business service center. It is the largest of its kind within JTI worldwide. By the end of 2023, it will employ nearly 1000 people. The employees of the Center are responsible for supporting various areas of JTI's Group operations, including finance, marketing and sales, HR, research and development, legal and regulatory affairs, and the global supply chain.

Recruitment process

Stage zbieranie aplikacji Apply Now!
Stage rozmowa telefoniczna Telephone Call
Stage spotkanie online Online Meeting with HR
Stage spotkanie Online Meeting with Manager
Stage propozycja współpracy Offer

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