Your mission issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro Cash&Carry shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards,...
Your mission accounting for transactions relating to stocks, fixed assets, taxes, calculation and accounting of accrued income and expenses, calculation and accounting of cost provisions, calculation and accounting of write-downs, monitoring and analysis of general ledger accounts, including...
Your mission: issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards, vouchers,...
General duties: responsibility for performing basic tasks within a selected area of accounting, issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, care for the efficiency, accuracy and timelines of all tasks, close...
General duties: responsibility for performing basic tasks within a selected area of accounting, issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, care for the efficiency, accuracy and timelines of all tasks, close...
Your mission: issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards, vouchers,...
Job Description: issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards,...
specjalista (mid) umowa o pracę pełny etat rekrutacja online
11 dni
About the department The AP team is mainly responsible for processing, booking Coloplast's liabilities, creation and updating of vendor master data, vendors invoice verification and handling invoice queries. Come to join our ambitious and curious team! We are looking for smart and talented...
młodszy specjalista (junior) umowa o pracę pełny etat
3 dni
Your main area of responsibility in this position will include: Work in area for Treasury: Monitor daily cash positions and forecast future cash needs. Execute cash management strategies. Prepare and analyze cash flow projections and reports. Oversee short-term investments and manage excess cash...
Zakres obowiązków: Przygotowanie dokumentacji cen transferowych i deklaracji TPR. Analiza treści umów, porozumień, aneksów pod kątem eliminacji ryzyka podatkowego, a także identyfikacji obowiązków podatkowych w obszarze cen transferowych. Przygotowanie analiz porównawczych i analiz...
Minimum 6 miesięcy doświadczenia w dziale księgowości i/lub studia z zakresu finansów/księgowości/ekonomii
Dobra znajomość języka norweskiego lub szwedzkiego (min. B1)
Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego (min. B1)
Dobra znajomość programu MS Excel
Mile widziana znajomość programu SAP
Systematyczność i dokładność
Umiejętność i chęć pracy w zespole
Zdolność szybkiego uczenia się
Za co będziesz odpowiedzialny?
Wykonywanie zadań z zakresu działu zobowiązań i działu należności
Procesowanie faktur w systemie ERP
Kontakt z dostawcami i klientami
Aktywna analiza kont zobowiązań
Przygotowywanie i monitorowanie płatności
Wsparcie działu księgi głównej, szczególnie w okresie zamknięcia miesiąca / roku
Wsparcie klienta i dostawców w ramach procesów księgowych
Co oferujemy naszym pracownikom?
Szeroki wachlarz szkoleń wewnętrznych (w tym kursy językowe)
Codzienny kontakt z językami obcymi w międzynarodowym środowisku
Szkolenie wstępne przygotowujące do samodzielnej pracy na oferowanym stanowisku
Nowoczesne biuro w dogodnej lokalizacji (blisko stacji SKM Redłowo i 3km od morza)
Dodatkowe świadczenia do wyboru w ramach pakietu benefitów, w tym m. in. prywatna opieka medyczna, karta MultiSport, bilety do kina, bony paliwowe, bony do różnych sklepów (IKEA, MediaMarkt, Sephora, Smyk, Empik, Tesco, itp.).
Możliwość rozwoju zawodowego w międzynarodowym centrum usług
Umowę o pracę na czas nieokreślony (po okresie próbnym)
Owocowe poniedziałki – witaminowy start na cały tydzień
Możliwość poznania swoich nowych kolegów nie tylko w pracy, ale również w trakcie wyjść integracyjnych
Your mission issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro Cash&Carry shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards,...
Your mission accounting for transactions relating to stocks, fixed assets, taxes, calculation and accounting of accrued income and expenses, calculation and accounting of cost provisions, calculation and accounting of write-downs, monitoring and analysis of general ledger accounts, including...
Your mission: issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards, vouchers,...
General duties: responsibility for performing basic tasks within a selected area of accounting, issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, care for the efficiency, accuracy and timelines of all tasks, close...
General duties: responsibility for performing basic tasks within a selected area of accounting, issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, care for the efficiency, accuracy and timelines of all tasks, close...
Your mission: issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards, vouchers,...
Job Description: issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts, posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops, clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards,...
specjalista (mid) umowa o pracę pełny etat rekrutacja online
11 dni
About the department The AP team is mainly responsible for processing, booking Coloplast's liabilities, creation and updating of vendor master data, vendors invoice verification and handling invoice queries. Come to join our ambitious and curious team! We are looking for smart and talented...
młodszy specjalista (junior) umowa o pracę pełny etat
3 dni
Your main area of responsibility in this position will include: Work in area for Treasury: Monitor daily cash positions and forecast future cash needs. Execute cash management strategies. Prepare and analyze cash flow projections and reports. Oversee short-term investments and manage excess cash...
Zakres obowiązków: Przygotowanie dokumentacji cen transferowych i deklaracji TPR. Analiza treści umów, porozumień, aneksów pod kątem eliminacji ryzyka podatkowego, a także identyfikacji obowiązków podatkowych w obszarze cen transferowych. Przygotowanie analiz porównawczych i analiz...