Poszukujemy obecnie kandydatów na stanowisko: Key Account Manager Przedstawiciel Medyczno - Farmaceutyczny - dla japońskiej marki farmaceutycznej. To wspaniała okazja dla uzdolnionych kandydatów, którzy chcieliby pracować w międzynarodowym zespole. Jeśli posiadasz min. 3-4 letnie doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku oraz znajomość języka angielskiego na co najmniej poziomie zaawansowanym, nie wahaj się, aby aplikować na wspomniane stanowisko.
Please send English CV
Key Account Manager / Przedstawiciel Medyczno - Farmaceutyczny
Miejsce pracy: Warszawa
Job description:
- planning, execution, control, and evaluation of sales and logistic strategy for wholesalers and pharmacies to increase a distribution and sales of Pharmaceutical products in Polish market
- sales and budget control for implemented logistic strategy
- tender management (if needed)
- negotiations for commercial issues and agreement with importers, wholesalers, and pharmacies as well as its execution
- collections of bills from customers, and risk management (future)
- cooperation with medical reps for smooth operation and information share.
- collection of information and data regarding GDP and other distribution related regulation of pharmaceutical and medical device area
- recall management
- management of Importing, Custom Clearance, storage, delivery, and inventory check (future)
- gathering distributor report from wholesalers
- collection of market information and analysis with 3C concept including Polish health care system, Pharmaceutical law, pharmaceutical association, promotion code.
- preparation of reports
- planning logistic management strategy and its execution in Polish market
- accomplishment of claim debt collection
Skills required:
- expert knowledge of and experience in pharmaceutical drugs, diseases and health care system of Poland
- appropriately reporting, consulting, and sharing with others
- understanding for diverse culture
- information control
- logical and strategic thinking
- presentation skills
- English language in verbal and writing
- PC skill:Excel, Powerpoint, Word