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FullStack Javascript Developer (Bootstrap/AngularJS/node.js)

FullStack Javascript Developer (Bootstrap/AngularJS/node.js)

AppYourself Sp. z o.o.
praca stacjonarna
3845 dni temu


AppYourself is the leading DIY platform for local businesses to create an own mobile presence. Our apps
are accessible on the mobile Web (Web App) and available on the App Stores to provide the best
experience in any mobile context. AppYourself enables everyone to create a customized mobile app for
iPhone, Android and Windows Phone.


We are looking for a:

FullStack Javascript Developer (Bootstrap/AngularJS/node.js)

Miejsce pracy: Łódź

You will
  • build, improve and extend our AngularJSand Bootstrapbased web frontends as well as the node.jsbased APIs.
  • interact with our Product Owners and UX Engineers to develop innovative ways for complex configuration scenarios.
  • incorporate the needs of our customers to help them build and manage their mobile apps.
You have
  • expertise in the latest web technologies.
  • Frontend Dev Buzzword Compliance: HTML5, CSS3/SASS, Bootstrap, AngularJS …
  • strong experience with AngularJS and the surrounding toolchain (Yeoman, Grunt, etc.).
  • a focus on simplicity, responsiveness and great UX.
  • the desire to quickly learn and adapt the latest evolutions of frontend web technology.
  • no fear to work with node.js/MySQL/noSQL based backends.
  • problem solving skills
  • good communication skills
  • very good English skills
We offer
  • an international work environment.
  • a small, young and highly passionate team of extraordinary coworkers.
  • an open and embracing culture for the latest hot technologies.
  • an agile, focused, yet relaxed atmosphere with flexible working hours.
  • a high level of freedom and responsibility.
  • a highly competitive salary
  • free parking
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.).

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