Najnowsze oferty pracy

  • Java developer (obszar kampanijny)

    PKO Bank Polski   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
    2 dni
    Na co dzień w naszym zespole: implementujesz nowe lub modyfikujesz istniejące aplikacje/serwisy, tworzysz testy jednostke i integracyjne dla budowanych aplikacji/serwisów, dbasz o wysoką jakość oprogramowania (funkcjonalność, wydajność, niezawodność), tworzysz dokumentację, analizujesz...
  • Regular / Senior Java Developer

    Asseco Data Systems S.A.   Warszawa, ul. Adama Branickiego 13    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę / kontrakt B2B  pełny etat
    3 dni
    Pion Oprogramowania dla Leasingu zajmuje się projektowaniem, tworzeniem i wdrażaniem specjalistycznych oprogramowań dla instytucji finansowych, szczególnie dedykowane branży leasingowej oraz zarządzaniu flotą pojazdów. Nasze rozwiązania wyróżnia pięć podstawowych cech: funkcjonalność,...
  • Inżynier danych

    PKO Bank Polski   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
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  • Java Cloud Developer

    Asseco Data Systems S.A.   Szczecin    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę / kontrakt B2B  pełny etat
    3 dni
    Zapraszamy do współpracy w Dziale Rozwoju Usług Zaufania wytwarzającego innowacyjne w skali światowej produkty związane z bezpieczeństwem i ochroną informacji. W szczególności rozwijamy Usługi Zaufania w modelu SaaS będąc wiodącym ich dostawcą w Europie. Praca z nami z pewnością...
Zobacz więcej ofert pracy Praca Mazowieckie Warszawa Programista Java Warszawa
Full Stack developer (Java + Angular)

Full Stack developer (Java + Angular)

praca stacjonarna
1319 dni temu
TeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.
Our client is one of the biggests TSL (Transport, Shipping, Logistics) worldwide company, with with more than 140 years of logistics experience, with about 2000 locations around the world and more than 76 000 employees wordwide. For main IT Department, based in South Warsaw.
Full Stack developer (Java + Angular)
CITY Warszawa
Ref. number: 41800#20110076
  • Developing new features
  • Writing automated tests
  • Cooperation within the self-organized Agile team - participate in meetings, code reviews etc.
  • Sharinmg knowledge and mentor others
  • Fixing bugs and keeping high quality of applications with performance maintenance, scalable solutions, etc.
  • Minimum 3-4 years of commercial experience in Java, Angular 2+, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (ES6), REST
  • Strong experience with Spring and/or Spring Boot
  • Understanding of security concepts like CSRF, XSS, CORS, sanitization, validation
  • Familiarity with performance of web application: downloads optimizations, runtime caveats, browser rendering phases, images formats and optimizations
  • Knowledge about layout tooling in CSS
  • Knowledge about semantic HTML
  • Familiarity with CSS architecture methodologies like BEM, OOCSS, Atomic CSS
  • Good understanding of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies, such as JPA and Hibernate
  • Ability to write clean code
  • Ability to develop well designed REST APIs
  • Experience with building tools such as Maven or Gradle
  • Experience with testing frameworks such as Spock, Junit or Mockito
  • Experience with Git
  • Proficiency in English (reading and writing)

Additional advantages:

  • Working experience with Angular JS, SASS/LESS, Jasmine
  • Familiarity with other frameworks, e.g.: ReactJS, VueJS, Svelte, etc.
  • Working experience with cloud platforms (ideally having worked with AWS)
  • Familiarity with Docker, its ecosystem, container orchestration systems such as Kubernetes
  • Familiarity with Microservice Architectures
  • Experience with containerized Spring Boot Applications for Microservice Architectures
  • Familiarity with work methodologies like Scrum or Kanban
  • Familiarity with CI/CD
We offer:
  • Attractive remuneration
  • Having an impact. In our team every opinion matters. We are inviting everyone to bring their ideas along because we think that it helps us to create the best products possible.
  • Minor benefits for you to enjoy. Holiday bonus, subsidies to private healthcare, sports cards, cinema, and theatre tickets, group insurance, early retirement program (PPE).
  • Great atmosphere. Awesome people, foosball and after work beer is at your disposal.
  • Challenges. We are not afraid of challenges because they are fun to solve.
  • Development. We are offering you not just a job but the place where you can professionally and personally grow
  • Open Communication. We strongly believe that good communication is at the core of all successful companies. That's what we cultivate in our company as well.
In the uploaded materials please add the following clause: "I hereby give consent for my personal data to be processed for the purposes of recruitment, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (uniform text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2016 No 922). I agree to share my personal information for potential employers. I hereby confirm that the data above is true and consent to the processing and managing my data given to TeamQuest Sp. zo.o. with its seat in Warsaw, zip code 00-814 , Miedziana 3A No 21 for staff recruitment purposes. I furthermore declare herein that I was informed that TeamQuest with its seat in Warsaw, Miedziana 3A 49 No 21 is the Administrator of my data and that my data can be submitted to potential employers and that I have the right to not only access and correct it, but also object to its processing for the above described purpose and its submission to 3rd party companies, as well as insist on the cessation of the processing of my data. The submission of personal data is optional. Simultaneously, I consent to the verification of the documents and information provided by me. We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications.
TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.


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    PKO Bank Polski   Warszawa    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista mid / senior  umowa o pracę  pełny etat
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  • Regular / Senior Java Developer

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  • Inżynier danych

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  • Java Cloud Developer

    Asseco Data Systems S.A.   Szczecin    praca stacjonarna
    specjalista junior / mid / senior  umowa o pracę / kontrakt B2B  pełny etat
    3 dni
    Zapraszamy do współpracy w Dziale Rozwoju Usług Zaufania wytwarzającego innowacyjne w skali światowej produkty związane z bezpieczeństwem i ochroną informacji. W szczególności rozwijamy Usługi Zaufania w modelu SaaS będąc wiodącym ich dostawcą w Europie. Praca z nami z pewnością...