Ogłoszenie numer: 2817749, z dnia 2019-12-03
We create videos using crowd sourced content.
Front End Developer
Miejsce pracy: kujawsko-pomorskie
Nr Ref.: Work from home option
Opis stanowiska
We are an Irish based start up. We are looking for someone :
- who is willing to learn and adapt to new technologies.
- able to communicate in a professional environment.
- with a good level of spoken and written English.
- capable of releasing production ready code.
- who has 3 years experience.
Ideal candidate will have experience in ;
- basic frontend technologies - JavaScript, CSS, HTML
- Single Page Applications- Angular, VUE, React....
- Relational Databases- MySQL , MSSQL....
- Cloud -AWS, Azure, GCP...
- Node.JS
- Bachelors Degree in IT field.
- This a work from home opportunity with a very attractive salary.
Od 9000 do 10000 PLN
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.