Zadania: Całodobowe monitorowanie sieci pod kątem ich prawidłowego funkcjonowania, Monitorowanie procesu usuwania awarii na sieciach HFC i IP, Nadzór i ocena parametrów sygnału transmitowanego w monitorowanych sieciach, Wykrywanie awarii oraz miejsc ich powstawania dla monitorowanych sieci,...
kierownik/koordynator umowa o pracę pełny etat 11 000 - 12 000 zł brutto/mies.
5 dni
Miejsce pracy: możliwość pracy z każdego miejsca w Polsce Rodzaj zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę Budżet: 11000-12000 zł brutto Twoje zadania: opracowywanie, uzgadnianie, a następnie utrzymywanie dokumentacji projektowej w ramach zleconych projektów, opracowywanie planów struktury...
Miejsce pracy: możliwość pracy z każdego miejsca w Polsce Rodzaj zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę Twoje zadania: zarządzanie bazami danych i nadzór nad ich prawidłowym funkcjonowaniem, analizowanie efektywnego i prawidłowego działania baz danych, rozwiązywanie bieżących problemów z...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
ASTEK Polska jest częścią dynamicznie rozwijającej się międzynarodowej Grupy ASTEK. Specjalizujemy się w outsourcingu kadry IT i realizacji projektów informatycznych. Zatrudniamy doświadczonych specjalistów dla liderów z obszarów bankowości, ubezpieczeń, telekomunikacji, hi-tech, farmacji i logistyki w Polsce i za granicą.
Expert IT Analyst
We are looking for a person who will work closely with our IT Solution Architect(s) to drive internal processes that are required to get these technologies approved and facilitate. Moreover, this person will conduct risk workshops with SMEs and stakeholders to identify potential risks and appropriate actions to mitigate risks.
Project overview:
We are building a brand new state of the art Big Data platform that will be used to store large volumes of data and execute batch & streaming workloads for data analysis purposes. The platform will replace an already existing "monolith" vendor based platform and will instead consist of multiple individual software components / technologies which will in combination make up the complete platform.
Key responsibilities:
Drive internal process called Change Risk Management and Approval (CRMA) which include steps like materiality assessment, personal information assessment, risk assessment etc.
Facilitate meetings with SMEs and stakeholders to collect input and register decisions and actions in required templates and tools.
Conduct meetings and manage relationship with internal IT partners that could support the new platform.
B2B up to 870PLN net+VAT/MD
Job contract up to 13 500PLN gross/month
Dlaczego warto z nami pracować?
Solidne fundamenty
Ambitne projekty
Indywidualny rozwój i przyjazna atmosfera
Znane marki
Inspirujący liderzy
Dodatkowe korzyści
System poleceń
Więcej informacji na temat Twoich danych przetwarzanych przez ASTEK Polska Sp. z o.o. znajdziesz tu:
Zadania: Całodobowe monitorowanie sieci pod kątem ich prawidłowego funkcjonowania, Monitorowanie procesu usuwania awarii na sieciach HFC i IP, Nadzór i ocena parametrów sygnału transmitowanego w monitorowanych sieciach, Wykrywanie awarii oraz miejsc ich powstawania dla monitorowanych sieci,...
kierownik/koordynator umowa o pracę pełny etat 11 000 - 12 000 zł brutto/mies.
5 dni
Miejsce pracy: możliwość pracy z każdego miejsca w Polsce Rodzaj zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę Budżet: 11000-12000 zł brutto Twoje zadania: opracowywanie, uzgadnianie, a następnie utrzymywanie dokumentacji projektowej w ramach zleconych projektów, opracowywanie planów struktury...
Miejsce pracy: możliwość pracy z każdego miejsca w Polsce Rodzaj zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę Twoje zadania: zarządzanie bazami danych i nadzór nad ich prawidłowym funkcjonowaniem, analizowanie efektywnego i prawidłowego działania baz danych, rozwiązywanie bieżących problemów z...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Service handling customer card applications in a professional, positive, and effective way Solving administrative tasks according to offered services and business procedures Risk assessment, AML assessment, and ensuring KYC Control and handle ODD (Ongoing Due...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling emails and tasks in multiple CRM systems; Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company information Providing...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...
Your key tasks and responsibilities are: Handling e-mails/tasks in SAP CRM, SAP ERP, CAPS, Baxbis, etc. Responding to customer inquiries in our inbox, assisting both internal and external departments Performing administrative tasks such as changing bank account details and updating company...