Ogłoszenie numer: 307855, from 2013-08-19
We are one of the major providers of ready-made and tailor-made companies in CE region. Our goal is to provide fast and reliable services even for small businesses. Abroad like at home.
Companies Formations Specialist
Location: Warszawa
Job description
- companies formations in Poland
- transfers of ready-mady companies in Poland
- transfers of foreign ready-mady companies in cooperation with branches from other countries
- creating of new partnerships with lawyers and other subjects on the market
- education, knowledges or experiences in corporate law
- reliability, responsability and brightness
- ability to focus under pressure
- stable and positive personality
- independence and self-management
- English is a must, other languages welcomed
We offer
- interesting and satisfying job
- opportunity to be at the setting of new branch
- above average salary and bonuses
- space for personal growth
Od 4000 do 6000 PLN
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.