Najnowsze oferty pracy

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Community Manager / User Support

smartpatient gmbh
praca stacjonarna
2085 dni temu

Our app, MyTherapy, helps people to safely and responsibly take their medication. With >1 million users, MyTherapy is one of Europe’s leading digital health offerings. We are helping a wide range of patients by reminding them to take their medication and enabling them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.


We offer you the opportunity to work independently within a young, multicultural, and highly motivated team. We are looking for problem solvers with a passion for good and effective communication: When users approach you, they will have questions or problems, when you close the case, they will be true MyTherapy fans.


Community Manager / User Support

As part of our team your tasks will include:
  • Acting as first point of contact for our user community and speaking as MyTherapy´s voice towards our users
  • Helping our users from around the globe by solving their problems, listening to their ideas and complaints and communicating effectively and respectfully
  • Coordinating feature requests together with our product development team, thereby supporting the continuous and user-centric improvement of MyTherapy
  • Shaping our communication strategy towards our user community
  • Regular team events, fresh fruit and drinks
We would like to welcome you as part of our team if you…
  • Enjoy communicating with users of all age groups and backgrounds, solving their problems, and acting as their voice towards our product development team
  • Possess exceptional communication skills and composure, allowing you to adapt to different characters and produce user-focused results
  • Have first experience in community management and customer support
  • Have a strong sense of accountability
  • Are fluent in both written and spoken English. Any other language you speak is a plus.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity Dz. U. z 2016 r. poz. 922 z późn. zm. ). Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałem/am poinformowany/a o dobrowolności podania danych osobowych oraz prawie dostępu do treści swoich danych i ich poprawiania.